• Kamis, 06 Februari 2025

Defendant in the Corruption Case Admission of New Students at the University of Lampung Karomani Charged with 12 Years in Prison

Jumat, 28 April 2023 - 07.42 WIB

The defendant Karomani underwent a follow-up trial by listening to the reading of the Public Prosecutor's charge letter for the Corruption Eradication Commission at the Tanjung Karang Tipikor Court. Thursday, April 27 2023. Photo: Martogi/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission, sued the former Chancellor of the University of Lampung, Karomani with a prison sentence of 12 years in the corruption case for accepting new students at Unila independent pathway in 2022. Meanwhile, former Vice Chancellor I, Heryandi and former Chair Lampung University Senate, M. Basri only demanded 5 years in prison.

Karomani was also demanded to pay compensation in the amount of IDR 10 billion, 235 million and 10,000 Singapore dollars.

"Imposed a prison sentence against the defendant Karomani in the form of imprisonment for 12 years minus while the defendant was in custody, and a fine of IDR 500 million with a subsidiary of 6 months in prison. As well as demanding that the defendant Karomani pay replacement money of IDR 10 billion 235 million and 10 thousand Singapore Dollars, ” said the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Widya Hari Sutanto when reading out the charges in the trial at the Tanjung Karang Corruption Court, Thursday, April 27, 2023. 

If within one month after the court's decision is not paid, the defendant's property will be confiscated to cover the replacement money. "If it is still not enough, then he will be jailed for 3 years," he said.

Widya said that the defendant Karomani was legally and convincingly proven according to law to commit the criminal act of corruption together as stipulated and subject to criminal penalties in Article 12 letter B in conjunction with Article 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to RI Law Number 31 of 99 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code as the first indictment.

Karomani was also declared to have violated Article 12 B paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by RI Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to RI Law Number 31 of 99 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code as in the second indictment.

"The actions of the defendant Karomani were carried out consciously or intentionally and all the consequences arising from these actions were known and wanted," he explained.

According to the Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Widya, what incriminated Karomani was that the defendant did not support the government's program to eradicate corruption.

"The mitigating point is that the defendant was cooperative in court so that it helped the trial process run smoothly. The defendant admitted his actions frankly, the defendant pleaded guilty and regretted his actions. The defendant has returned part of the infaq money he received," he said.

Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor Widya revealed that during the trial it was revealed that the defendant Karomani received money from a number of parties. Among them, from Budiono, Evi Kurniawati, Ruskandi, Supriyanto Husin and Sulpakar regarding the acceptance of new students at the University of Lampung through the SBMPTN route in the amount of IDR 1 billion 550 million.

Then, received money from Joko Sumarno, Hengky Malonda, Ary Meizari, Andi Desfiandi, Sofia, Anton Wibowo, Marzani Aneta, Rasmi Zakia Oktalina, Evi Daryanti, Mardiana, Asep Jamhur, Hepi Asasi and Wayan Mustika regarding the acceptance of new students at the University of Lampung through the SMMPTN route in the amount of IDR 2 billion 550 million. Karomani also received gratuities in the form of cash in the amount of IDR 6 billion, 135 million and 10,000 Singapore Dollars.

"So the total money received by the defendant Karomani is 10 billion 235 million and 10 thousand Singapore dollars. Thus the defendant Karomani is required to pay replacement money in the amount stated," said Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor Widya.

Responding to the demands of the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission, the defendant Karomani said that he would submit a pledoi. "We will submit a pledoi Your Majesty," said Karomani. The trial will resume on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

The other two defendants, namely Heryandi and M, Basri, were only sentenced to 5 years in prison in the same case. The two defendants were also required to pay a fine of IDR 200 million.

"Sentenced criminal penalties against defendant Heryandi and defendant M. Basri with imprisonment for 5 years each minus the time the defendant is in custody and a fine of IDR 200 million, subsidiary of 2 months in prison with an order for the accused to remain in detention," said Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor Widya when reading the demands.

In addition, the two defendants were also required to pay state compensation money. The defendant Heryandi was asked to return IDR 300 million and M. Basri IDR 150 million.

"On the condition that if the defendant does not pay within one month after the court's decision has permanent legal force, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money. If it is not sufficient, the prison sentence for 3 years is calculated with the evidence confiscated by the state," he said.

Corruption Eradication Commission prosecutor Widya explained that the defendants Heryandi and M Basri were found to have violated Article 12 letter B in conjunction with Article 18 of RI Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption as amended by RI Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to RI Law Number 31 of 2001. 99 Concerning the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code as the first indictment. 

Both are also considered to have committed a criminal act of corruption as stipulated and threatened in Article 12 letter B paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 18 of RI Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption as amended by RI Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to RI Law Number 31 of 2001. 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption jo Article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Responding to these demands, the defendants Heryandi and M. Basri said they would submit a defense. "We will submit a defense Your Excellency," said Heryandi and M. Basri.

When met after the trial, the defendant M. Basri admitted that he was disappointed with the charges read out by the Public Prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission. According to him, the sentence of imprisonment for 5 years is too much.

"Yes, for me it is too high and I object, because my intention is only to help people, I am only an intermediary. Moreover, I am not looking for or deliberately looking for people who want to leave it. Those who ask for help are also the Unila extended family, the lecturers, the deans, he said. (*)

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