Reihana's reason for serving as Head of the Lampung Health Service Until Three Governor Eras

Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana. Doc/, Lampung English - Reihana Wijayanto served as Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office for three eras during the leadership of the Governor of Lampung. Namely the Governor of the era of Sjchroedin ZP then M Ridho Ficardo, and currently Arinal Djunaidi.
Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto, said that Reihana's survival in the position of Head of the Health Service was not without reason. Based on the results of the competency test, Reihana managed to beat other competitors or candidates.
"Pak Arinal Djunaidi's term of office begins in 2019. At the beginning of his term of office, we conduct competency tests on all officials. So there are officials who are shifted, some are not," said Fahrizal, when questioned, Wednesday 26 April 2023.
Fahrizal explained that the official who will occupy the position of Head of the Health Service must have technical requirements. Where the requirements for the Head of the Health Service and Recruited Regional General Hospital must be a doctor.
"In accordance with the rules that the Head of the Health Office and Recruited Hospital must be a doctor. But the doctor is not only good at injecting or making prescriptions. But he must have managerial skills. Because he is an official who leads the organization," he explained.
According to him, apart from having technical competence, one must also have managerial competence. Where the Head of the Health Service must be able to compile work programs starting from nutrition, reducing stunting, reducing maternal and child mortality rates to overcoming health emergency status.
"Then there are also extraordinary incidents such as Dengue Fever and Covid-19. So technical, managerial and socio-cultural competencies must be possessed. The ability to communicate, explain to the public and conduct counseling. For example during Covid-19 if you don't have communication skills he can't explain to the public what it's like," he explained.
Fahrizal explained, based on the results of the competency test Reihana always has a high score and beats the other participants so that she is still holding her position until now.
"Based on the competency test, Mrs. Reihana admitted that she had the highest score. Besides, in our province there are not many doctors with a qualified rank. And she had the highest score so that in 2019 she was still at the health service. Two years later we will do it. competency test again and he still has the highest score, so it's not without basis, so if we don't see 13 or 14 years. But we'll see from the term of office of the governor," concluded Fahrizal. (*)
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