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Police Arrest Three Underage Girl Rapists in Central Lampung, Indonesia

Rabu, 26 April 2023 - 16.39 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - A 37-year-old father with the initials AB, a resident of Seputih Agung District, reported 3 perpetrators of raping his child with the initials B to the Women's and Children's Protection Unit at the Central Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

AB reported AS 23 years, SL 21 years and ST 19 years. The three were residents of Way Kekah Hamlet, Terbanggi Besar Village, Central Lampung, to the PPA Sat Reskrin Unit of the Central Lampung Police, on charges of raping their underage daughter.

Central Lampung Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Edi Qorinas representing the Central Lampung Police Chief, AKBP Dofie Fahlevie Sanjaya said the heartbreaking incident started when his father found the victim in the field in front of the State Vocational High School in Central Lampung, Monday 24 April 2023.

"Meanwhile, the victim left the house the day before on Sunday, so the victim's parents looked for their daughter and were found the next day," said AKP Edi Qorinas, when confirmed, Wednesday 26 April 2023.

Edi explained that because he was suspicious of the victim's condition, the victim's father interrogated him. How shocked the father was when he heard his son's story, that the child had been rotated by three teenagers in a rented house in Terbanggi Besar District on Sunday 23 April 2023 around 08.00 PM.

"After carrying out their actions, the three perpetrators left the victim," said Edi.

Currently, the three perpetrators have rotated victims, and a number of pieces of evidence have been secured at the Central Lampung Police Headquarters for further development.

"The perpetrators were prosecuted as stated in Article 81, Article 82 of RI Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the establishment of a replacement government for Law No. 01 of 2016 regarding the second amendment to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection," he said.

The head of the Criminal Investigation Unit asked parents to really watch over their children, if they wanted to leave the house, make sure who they went with. Don't become a victim of crime. (*)

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