• Kamis, 06 Februari 2025

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture: Ministry of Transportation and ASDP Don't Be Stiff in Serving Homecoming Travelers

Rabu, 26 April 2023 - 08.10 WIB

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy while observing the return flow of Eid at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung. Tuesday, April 25 2023. Photo: Handika/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy advised the Ministry of Transportation and PT Indonesia Ferry River, Lake and Crossing Transportation not to be rigid in serving travelers during the return flow of Eid.

This was conveyed by Muhadjir while observing the return flow at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung, Tuesday, April 25 2023. Muhajir came with the Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, Lt. Indonesia Ferry Ira Puspadewi.

"Right now I'm in Bakauheni to ensure that the return flow from Sumatra to Java which will cross via Bakauheni runs smoothly," said Muhajir.

Muhadjir revealed that there were several policy adjustments or suggested policy adjustments to the Ministry of Transportation and PT Transport for Rivers, Lakes and Indonesia Ferry Crossings so that the return flow of Eid runs smoothly and safely.

"Including for example like this, if yesterday there was a motorbike that departed from Ciwandan, then some of it anchored in Bakauheni and in Panjang, later when the return flow doesn't have to be like that. It could be that yesterday's landing in Panjang will depart from Bakauheni. So just make it flexible , don't be stiff," said Muhadjir.

Muhadjir asked that policy adjustments also apply to VB trucks, which will be possible to depart from Bakauheni Port.

"Because based on an analysis from PT Indonesia Ferry River, Lake and Ferry Transport and the Ministry of Transportation, the return flow from Sumatra to Java will be quite long, it can reach May 1-2. And it's usually relatively easier to handle compared to going home. " he said

According to Muhadjir, in facing the return flow of Eid, several alternative ports have been prepared, namely the Panjang Port and the BBJ Port.

Previously, Muhadjir Effendy also had time to inspect the Panjang Port to ensure the readiness of the KSOP Class I Panjang, and PT Pelindo II and PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Crossings in carrying out crossings for the return flow of passengers and goods vehicles at Panjang Port.

Muhadjir said the Central Government has appealed to the State Civil Apparatus, employees of State-Owned Enterprises, to private employees, to extend leave, namely personal leave so they don't rush back to Java to avoid traffic jams.

"Except in urgent circumstances and cannot be postponed, so that the possibility of congestion due to going home together does not occur," he said.

Head of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, Lt. Gen. Suharyanto, asked travelers, especially those crossing from Sumatra to Java, not to push themselves. In particular, when the extreme hot temperature conditions that are currently happening.

"Two-wheeled or four-wheeled users should not push themselves, if their body condition is not fit, especially when the weather is hot," said Suharyanto.

Suharyanto said travelers should not hesitate to take advantage of rest areas, homecoming posts, service posts, security posts and integrated posts formed by the National Police, the TNI and related agencies, to rest, gather energy, then continue their journey.

Meanwhile, PT Indonesia Ferry River, Lake and Crossing Transportation noted that as many as 11,670 private cars had crossed from Sumatra Island to Java Island via the Bakauheni Port on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.

General Manager (GM) of PT ASDP Bakauheni Branch, Captain Rudi Sunarko said, the number of vehicles crossing was in accordance with the data from the Eid 1444 Hijriah Transportation Post for 2023 from 24 April 2023 at 08.00 WIB to 25 April 2023 at 08.00 WIB.

"For sedans and similar vehicles, 11,670 units were recorded, or an increase of 28 percent compared to last year's only 9,106 units," said Rudi.

An increasing trend also occurred in pedestrian passengers by 40 percent. this year a total of 7,738 people have crossed through Bakauheni Port or higher than last year's only 5,538 people.

Meanwhile, passengers who were in the vehicle reached 81,020 people or an increase of up to 28 percent compared to last year at 63,379 people.

"Data for two-wheeled vehicles this year recorded 6,255 units or an increase of 27 percent compared to the same period last year, namely 4,936 units," he explained.

The surge also occurred in bus passenger vehicles which also experienced an increase of up to 28 percent. This year as many as 343 bus units use the services of the Bakauheni Port, where last year there were only 267 units. 

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry has also prepared new scheme regulations regarding the transfer of port services across Bakauheni, Merak according to the type of vehicle.

There are several types of vehicles that are not allowed to cross during the Eid backflow and these new rules have been established in accordance with the directives from the Ministry of Transportation.

Corporate Secretary of PT Indonesia Ferry River, Lake and Crossing Transportation, Shelvy Arifin said, in accordance with the directives from the Ministry of Transportation, a transfer of port services will be carried out based on the type of vehicle.

Among them Bakauheni Port will serve pedestrian crossings, two-wheeled vehicles, four-wheeled vehicles, buses and VB class trucks.

Meanwhile, the service for class VI B, VII, VIII and IX trucks will be carried out through the Panjang Port to Indah Kiat Port.

The rules for implementing the diversion for the return flow of Eid in 2023 will apply from April 24 to April 30, 2023.

Then, additional two-wheeled vehicle services will also be carried out through Panjang Port to Ciwandan Port starting from April 29 2023 to April 30 2023. Shelvy revealed, ASDP has opened sales of ferry tickets for the 2023 Lebaran transportation period since 60 days. (*)

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