• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Not Fulfilling Criminal Elements, Police Stopped Reporting on Tiktoker Bima

Selasa, 18 April 2023 - 14.12 WIB

Dirkrimsus Polda Lampung, Kombes Pol Donny Arief Praptomo (baju putih), saat memberikan keterangan kepada awak media. Foto: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The tiktoker case of Bima Yudho Saputro which was reported to the Lampung Regional Police (Polda) by lawyer Ginda Ansori for criticizing Lampung Province has finally been stopped. Tuesday (18/4/2023).

Director of Special Crimes (Dirkrimsus) of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Donny Arief Praptomo said that in this case, his party had conducted an investigation and examined as many as 6 witnesses.

"The six witnesses include three members of the public including the reporter and three expert witnesses including one language expert, two criminal experts," he said.

From the results of the examination of witnesses and the title of the case, it was determined that the case was not a crime so that the case was stopped by the police.

"Last night, based on the evidence we have obtained, we conducted a case to determine whether this case could be escalated to investigation or not. As a result of the case title, we concluded that this case was not a crime, so on that basis, we stopped the investigation," he said.

When asked what the results of the expert's statement were because the report was inserted with the diction 'dajjal', Donny explained that this was material for investigation.

"What was conveyed by this expert is the material of our investigation and cannot be conveyed, what is clear is what was conveyed by the expert that this case is not a crime," he explained.

Asked whether the termination of the case was due to intervention from outsiders, Donny emphasized that the termination of the case was based on fairness and transparency.

"So the investigation that we are conducting or handling cases at the police level is transparent and based on justice, so based on the evidence we have obtained, we conclude that this case is not a crime," he concluded. (*)