Indonesian TikToker Bima Criticizes Lampung Province Infrastructure become a National Issue

Indonesian TikToker Bima. Photo: Documents, Lampung English - The viral video of TikToker Bima Yudho Saputro criticizing the depravity of infrastructure conditions in Lampung Province through social media has now become a national issue. A number of parties joined in speaking out after Bima was reported to the Lampung Regional Police, and his family was visited by the police.
The Provincial Government of Lampung through the Deputy Governor of Lampung, Chusnunia Chalim said, in the current era of social media plus Indonesia as a democratic country, all people can express their aspirations.
"I realize that living in this era of social media, everyone can convey their voice. Moreover, this is a democratic country. It is the right of all Lampung citizens and Lampung lovers to express their aspirations," said Chusnunia Chalim, who is familiarly called Nunik, Sunday, April 16, 2023.
Nunik said the Lampung Regional Government has quite a lot of homework, one of which is the construction of road infrastructure.
"We have homework for development, we are not like Java. Up to this year 76.8 percent of the roads are in good condition. The remaining almost 24 percent are still damaged, damaged, badly damaged," said Nunik.
Nunik explained, after being appointed together with Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi in 2019, not long after that the Covid-19 pandemic occurred so that the budget that had been allocated for infrastructure was refocused to deal with Covid-19.
He explained, in 2020 the budget for infrastructure had been allocated around IDR 1 trillion, but it was subject to refocusing for handling Covid-19 which amounted to almost IDR 500 billion.
"In 2021 it's even worse, because the delta variant sucks up such a large budget that only IDR 400 billion remains for infrastructure handling. In 2022 it's not bad, it's starting to return to almost IDR 700 billion, and in 2023 it's been budgeted for nearly IDR 750 billion. Hopefully this will be in the Expenditure Revenue Budget The area of change can reach Rp. 1 trillion," he explained.
According to him, the Provincial Government of Lampung is not only focused on infrastructure development. However, there are also many other quite important programs, one of which is reducing the prevalence of stunting.
Currently, provincial roads in Lampung have a length of 1,693.273 km, consist of 99 road sections and are divided into 16 corridors. There are 827 bridges with a total length of 9012.5 meters. Through the 2023 Regional Expenditure Revenue Budget, there are at least 14 priority road sections that will be handled using the APBD.
As information, after the Tiktoker Bima virus went viral, a lawyer from Lampung, Gindha Ansori Wayka, reported the Awbimax Reborn TikTok account belonging to the young man from East Lampung to the Lampung Regional Police.
The owner of the Awbimax Reborn TikTok account, whose full name is Bima Yudho Saputro, uploaded a video criticizing the poor infrastructure in Lampung Province.
Advocate Gindha Ansori Wayka said he reported Awbimax Reborn's TikTok account to the police because he, as a Lampung resident, had objections to a video discussing Lampung entitled 'The Reasons for Lampung Not Going Forward'.
"I have objections to the 03.32 minute video that was spread by those concerned regarding the analysis with the construction of thoughts that are upside down with the title 'Reason for Lampung Not Going Forward' which has been shared with the public and has been watched by millions of people," said Gindha Ansori Wayka in a statement. statement, Wednesday 12 April 2023.
Ginda revealed that he submitted the report to the Lampung Regional Police on Monday April 10 2023. "We submitted the letter last Monday, currently it is still in the process of going up to the Lampung Regional Police Chief," he said.
According to him, in the video, at minute 00.12, the person concerned mentioned the word 'dajjal', previously the narration presented in his introduction indicated that the person in question was from Lampung Province.
"And this is reinforced by the gesture in question when he mentions 'dajjal' while pointing at his laptop screen which reads 'The reason Lampung is not moving forward'," he said.
According to him, from the video it was suspected that the person concerned had spread fake news because he said that many of the narrations did not match the facts.
"Besides that, according to our opinion, the actions concerned have fulfilled the elements of the act as stated in Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions," he stated.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Lampung, Kombes Pol Zahwani Pandra Arsyad said, the report was only received on April 13, 2023 at SPKT Polda Lampung.
"The reporter on behalf of the people of Lampung and the person concerned disputed the word 'Dajjal' in Bima's criticism. Currently the police are still studying the report," said Pandra, "Saturday, April 15, 2023.
Chairman of Lampung Corruption Watch, Juendi Leksa Utama, said that the right to opinion and expression is a human right that is guaranteed by the constitution in Indonesia.
According to him, in a democratic country, everyone has the right to express criticism and views on the situation and conditions in their environment, including in Lampung.
"However, in conveying this criticism, we must use polite language and not offend other people's religious values or beliefs. However, we also do not always solve problems using a criminal law approach," he said.
He explained that the report received by the Lampung Regional Police should be used as a reminder to all that in conveying criticism or opinions one must pay attention to ethics and applicable rules.
"However, we also have to ensure that the legal process carried out by the police must be transparent and not harm Bima Yudho Saputro's constitutional rights as an Indonesian citizen," he said.
He hopes that the Lampung Police can resolve this case quickly and professionally. "We hope that this case will not be used as a tool to frighten the public and narrow the space for the right to opinion and expression," he added.
According to him, the state should not appear to be anti-criticism. The government must make this criticism as input for improvement in building Lampung for the welfare of the people of Lampung.
"The critical attitude of citizens must always be maintained and protected. This is a form of social control to prevent corruption," he concluded.
Member of the People's Legislative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia from Lampung, Taufik Basari also shared his opinion after Bima's TikToker was reported to the police after criticizing infrastructure in Lampung
Taufik said that the complaints submitted by Bima were complaints from the people who hoped that Lampung would be even better. Bima is giving messages and aspirations.
“Therefore catch that aspiration, don't think about arresting the person. What Bima conveyed was actually a complaint by the people of Lampung at this time. Every time I go around meeting community members, infrastructure problems are the main complaint and are always asked about. The problem of damaged roads has always been in the aspirations of the residents that were conveyed to me," said Taufik Basari, who is familiarly called Tobas, Friday, April 14, 2023.
According to Tobas, his party has experienced the difficulty of the terrain that must be traveled in the Lampung region because many roads are damaged. "Therefore, I affirm the people's complaints, which Bima also complains about, namely that there are still too many damaged roads that make it difficult to access people's lives," he said.
Tobas admits that building, maintaining and repairing roads requires a large budget. However, the aspirations of Bima and the entire people of Lampung cannot be answered simply by answering budgetary difficulties as justification. The provincial and district/city governments in Lampung need to think about budget politics that have a long-term economic strategy for infrastructure.
"Similarly with development plans in Lampung Province which are still unfinished such as the construction of a New City. I have also witnessed that there are still many things that have been neglected and no significant progress has been made. However, the efforts of the Lampung Provincial Government to hasten the completion of the New City need joint support," he said.
Tobas revealed, at the Commission III meeting of the House of Representatives with the Lampung Police, Friday April 14 2023, he conveyed a special message to the Lampung Police so that Bima's video report did not need to be followed up into a legal process.
“Too much unnecessary energy wasted when processing matters like this. On the contrary, all of us who carry out the mandate of the people of Lampung must see this as an aspiration as well as a reminder that we can work better. The Lampung Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika responded positively to my input," he said.
Meanwhile, Unila Bersatu alumni urged the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, not to show off his power and to use a power approach in responding to netizens' criticism of the poor infrastructure development in Lampung.
Chairman of the Unila Bersatu Alumni Presidium, Edy Karizal, through his written release on Sunday 16 April 2023, said the power approach was a remnant of New Order feudalism which was no longer relevant in a modern context.
"The impact of such a show of power will be very bad, both for critics, the governor and Lampung as a whole," said Edy Karizal.
According to Edy Karizal, the Governor of Lampung tends to show off his power when responding to criticism from netizens who live in Australia, Bima Yudho Saputro.
Not only that, a person close to Governor Arinal, Ginda's lawyer Ansori Wayka, also reported Bima to the police for this criticism.
According to him, when the power approach is used, critics immediately feel threatened. On the other hand, the governor's popularity tends to fall and people lose their trust.
"The most important thing at this time is that democracy in Lampung must be maintained and development can run effectively. Infrastructure can be improved," he said.
Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Mahfud Md said Bima had the right to criticize developments in Lampung.
"Bima has a constitutional right to declare this, especially for the betterment of Lampung," said Mahfud Md in a YouTube broadcast sent by Mahfud Md's media team, Saturday, April 15 2023.
He said the East Lampung Regent had a moral obligation as a leader to absorb the aspirations and criticisms of his citizens. Regarding the news that law enforcement officials were involved in intimidation, Mahfud will check first.
"It's only April 14 today, meaning I can do an in-depth study on Monday (April 17). Of course I can't be silent if law enforcement officials join in on the matter (Bima's intimidation)," he continued.
The famous lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea also spoke about the viral TikToker Bima Yudo Saputro after criticizing Lampung. Hotman also asked Bima to direct message if he had a problem.
This was conveyed by Hotman Paris through uploading a video on his Instagram, as quoted, Sunday, April 16, 2023. In the video, Hotman admitted that many sent messages and asked about Bima's TikToker.
"Hello Bima, Lampung child, there are really a lot of DMs and WA people, what's wrong with Bima? What's the problem with the Regent? Yes, my last DM was from Agus," said Hotman Paris.
Hotman asked Bima to DM him if there were any problems. He asked Bima not to be afraid. In addition, he reminded Bima not to mock his opponent, but to repay him with an achievement.
Meanwhile the East Lampung Police Chief, AKBP M. Rizal Muchtar said he only stopped by the residence of the parents of the Tik Tok account owner @awbimaxreborn or known as Bima to ensure safety and conduciveness in their environment.
"If you say that the police called Bima's family, that's not true. There was no summons. So like this, it's the police's job to maintain security and order, to keep the area really safe and conducive. Coincidentally, the residence of Bima's parents and the police are not far apart," said Rizal, Sunday April 16, 2023.
The police chief revealed that before he visited Bima's parents' residence in North Raman District, East Lampung, the police chief and Bhabinkamtibmas first communicated.
"So indeed the Kapolsek and Bhabinkamtibmas know Bima's parents well. It was just a normal routine. Just stopping by, while ensuring a safe and conducive situation," he explained.
The Police Chief also ensured that there was no intimidation by the Police against the Tiktoker Bima family. During the visit, he was also accompanied by the Head of North Raman Sub-District to the Head of Ratna Daya Village. Their visit was welcomed by Bima's parents, namely H. Julaiman and Hj. Sri Ngatun.
Meanwhile, in a broadcast on one of the national private television stations, Bambang Sukoco as the lawyer for the Tiktoker Bima Yudho Saputro family revealed facts related to the conversation the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi had with Bima's parents.
"He got a call from the Governor of Lampung Province who essentially asked about the content problem that was made by Bima's brother. But there is one thing that might actually be, in our opinion as a family there is something that is a little unpleasant and maybe a little unethical from what was conveyed by Mr. Governor via telephone to Mr. Julaiman as Bima's parent," he said.
Bambang questioned the narrative of threats made by the governor of Lampung to Julaiman so that his baby would not make any more critical content.
"There are words that might be a bit threatening, so that Bima's brother doesn't make content like that anymore, which according to him is very detrimental to the Provincial Government of Lampung," he explained.
Previously, East Lampung Regent Dawam Rahardjo also denied reports of intimidation. "I am Dawam Raharjo, East Lampung Regent, I thank you for this opportunity. What is clear, I need to say that Bima is also our citizen, and his parents have been tabayun and have met. There is no such thing as intimidation, moreover there is my term, which is like saying that people don't educate son," Dawam said.
Dawam I admitted that he was here to provide protection to all of his people. Not only that, he also admitted that he was open and ready to accept any criticism, especially for development.
"That's why I explained, I as the Regent, I protect our community, whose parents also happen to be our friends. It seems that we met at home, breaking our fast and praying together, it turned out to be nostalgic. So there is no term intimidation, let alone us It's time like this," said Dawam. (*)
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