• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Residents Complain about the Threat of Falling Trees at South Metro

Minggu, 16 April 2023 - 16.34 WIB

Raden Yusuf (30), a resident of road Jendral Suprapto, Margorejo Village, Metro Selatan District when showing the condition of a large acacia type tree which is considered dangerous. Photo: Arby:Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Metro - Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds that occurred in the past week hit Metro City, making residents hopeful.

A number of people in Jendral Suprapto, Margorejo Village, South Metro District, have complained about the threat of a tree falling. Not without reason, many of the rows of trees on the side of the road are dry, weathered and some have even been broken.

From the information compiled by Kupastuntas.co, the presence of large rotted and broken trees along the road has never been touched by pruning by the government through the relevant Regional Organizational Organizations.

One of the local residents said that a number of trees that were feared to fall were already dead. In fact, residents consider the existence of the tree to be a threat when heavy rains accompanied by strong winds with high intensity hit South Metro.

"Yes, it's really dangerous, in front of my place are two acacia trees. They should be cut down immediately. Because this is really dangerous, one tree is already dead," said Raden Yusuf (30) to Kupastuntas.co. Sunday, April 16, 2023.

Yusuf admitted that not only were there dead trees that threatened the safety of residents and motorists, but there were also trees that had broken off on large branches.

"There has been one more broken stem for months, it juts into the middle of the road so it's really dangerous. The danger is because if it hits someone with a motorbike or a car," he explained.

"This road is an alternative road which is also busy and smooth, plus in the next few days it will be Eid al-Fitr, of course there will be many travelers," he added.

He hopes that the Government through the relevant Regional Apparatus Organization can immediately prune a number of trees on the side of the Jalan Jenderal Suprapto which are dangerous.

"I represent the residents and hope that the relevant agencies will immediately carry out pruning and logging, so that unwanted things don't happen," he concluded.

Subekti (44), a resident of South Metro District, also asked the municipal government not only to cut at one point, but also to cut all roads where there are large trees which are considered dangerous.

"I asked him to cut this one down because the residents were already restless. If you want to cut it yourself, of course it is prohibited by law, so we ask the authorities to cut down the trees," he explained.

"All the trees on the side of the road whose conditions are already dangerous, should they be trimmed or cut down. Don't let any new victims be cut down, like before in Metro City," he said. (*)

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