In Order To Deal With Methamphetamine, A Young Man From South Sumatra Was Arrested by Way Kanan Police, Lampung

The suspect being detained by the police. Photo: Special, Way Kanan - A young man with the initials FH alias Ucok (33) was successfully arrested by the Way Kanan Police Narcotics Criminal Unit when he was about to carry out a methamphetamine-type drug transaction in Bumi Agung Wates village, Bahuga District, Way Kanan Regency.
Head of Narcotics Unit of the Way Kanan Police, AKP Sigit Barazili, said that the suspect with the initials FH alias Ucok is domiciled in Sumber Asri Village, East Buay Madang District, East Oku Regency, South Sumatra.
The arrests began on Thursday, April 13 2023, at around 15.30 WIB, the Way Kanan Police Narcotics Unit managed to obtain information from the public that there was illicit traffic and/or abuse of methamphetamine-type narcotics in Bumi Agung Wates Village.
"We immediately followed up on the information, our officers went straight to the location to carry out an investigation, while on the Bumi Agung Wates road, the officers saw this suspect about to make a transaction. And at that moment our officers immediately approached the person concerned," said Head of Drugs Unit, representing Way Kanan Police Chief, AKBP Teddy Rachesna when confirmed. Sunday, April 13, 2023.
The suspect tried to run away, but the officers managed to catch the perpetrator quickly.
"During the search, the officers found evidence of a small plastic clip containing methamphetamine with a gross weight of 0.37 grams, four gas lighters, one unit of a blue realme brand android cellphone and one unit of a new supra fit motorcycle without a police number," he said.
Sigit added that currently the suspect and evidence have been brought to the Way Kanan Police Headquarters for further processing.
"The suspect is threatened with Article 114 paragraph (1) or Article 112 paragraph (1) RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with a minimum prison sentence of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years," he concluded. (*)
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