• Kamis, 06 Februari 2025

Electrical Short Circuit, Semi-Permanent House In Bandar Lampung Burned

Minggu, 16 April 2023 - 19.14 WIB

One semi-permanent house in the Langkapura Village, Bandar Lampung City, was destroyed by fire. Sunday, April 16 2023 around 10.50 WIB. Photo: Special.

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A semi-permanent house in the Langkapura Village, Bandar Lampung City, was completely burnt, on Sunday 16 April 2023 around 10.50 WIB.

The house, which is known to belong to Mr. Supri, caught fire because it was caused by an electric short circuit. "Yes, it happened that a house unit with an area of 6x9 meters in Langkapura was burnt to the ground. The entire house was used up, starting from the refrigerator and other electronic goods. But if it was a motorbike like that, nothing caught fire," said the platoon commander for the Bandar Lampung City Fire Department, Riswanto.

Riswanto recounted the chronology of the burning of the house when the PLN power went out, then the owner wanted to turn it on with a generator.

"When I turned on the electric generator, I forgot to unplug it. The connection between the electricity and the generator exploded, yes, it was an electric short circuit. Then the fire caught the gasoline," he said.

But, thank God, there were no casualties in the incident. "The loss cannot be interpreted yet," he said.

As for the process of extinguishing the fire, his party was only able to finish it at 12.03 WIB.

"The number of personnel on duty is 22 people with 5 units of cars deployed," he said. (*)

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