• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Carrying Drugs Types of Methamphetamine and Gorilla Tobacco, a Man from Bandar Lampung Arrested by Police in South Lampung

Minggu, 16 April 2023 - 16.06 WIB

The suspect and evidence during custody. Photo: Handika/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - A parking attendant named M Rohman (25), a resident of Kedamaian District, Bandar Lampung City, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Jati Agung Police, South Lampung. Because he was caught carrying narcotics, a type of synthetic gorilla methamphetamine, on Saturday, 15 April 2023 around 22.30 WIB.

Jati Agung Police Chief, Iptu Mustolih said, the arrest was in the context of Operation Antik Krakatau 2023 in the Jati Agung Police area, South Lampung Police, when the officers came from members of the Jati Agung Police Criminal Investigation Unit who were conducting patrols on the roadside of Way Hui Village, Jati Agung District.

"The patrol officer suspected someone who was showing suspicious movements, and immediately approached the perpetrator to carry out a body check," said the police chief, representing the South Lamsel Police Chief, AKBP Edwin when confirmed. Sunday, April 16, 2023 morning.

Sure enough, the police's suspicions yielded results and they found a clear plastic pack containing crystals, suspected of crystal methamphetamine, in the pocket of the perpetrator's trousers.

Not only that, the police also found gorilla synthetic tobacco hidden in his trouser pocket and the perpetrator could not avoid admitting that the item was his.

"Furthermore, the suspect along with the evidence was secured to the Jati Agung Police Headquarters for further legal proceedings," said Mustolih.

On the question of the origin of the illicit goods until they reached the hands of the suspect, the Kapolsek stated this. "Still under development," answered Mustolih.

From the hands of the suspect, the police secured the evidence that was secured, including 1 medium-sized plastic pack of gorilla synthetic tobacco, 1 small clear plastic clip pack containing crystals suspected of narcotics of the methamphetamine type and 1 unit of a gray Honda genio motorcycle with police number BE 2173 AES .

"The articles that are alleged against the suspect, namely Articles 111 and 112 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics," said the Kapolsek. (*)

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