• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

KPU Sets More than 6 Million Lampung Residents as Provisional Voter List for the 2024 Election

Sabtu, 15 April 2023 - 12.10 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Lampung Province has established a Temporary Voter List (DPS) of 6,650,152 people spread across 15 regencies/cities in Lampung Province.

The Lampung Province KPU Data and Information Division Coordinator, Agus Riyanto, conveyed this in the agenda of the 2024 General Election (Election) DPS open plenary meeting, at the Emersia Hotel, Friday (14/4/2023).

"The number of sub-districts in Lampung is 229, then the number of Kelurahan/Village is 2,651, the number of polling places (TPS) is 25,811, then the number of male voters is 3,382,356, female voters are 3,267,796, so the total temporary voters are 6,650,512," said Agus.

On that occasion, the Coordinator of the Prevention and Community Participation Division of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Lampung, Karno Ahmad Satarya, conveyed his input to the KPU where he found several people who had not been included in the DPS.

"We hope that the KPU must be really careful in its work, for example somewhere someone has been molested but has not entered the DPS and that is a member of the Regency Bawaslu," explained Karno.

Karno also highlighted the issue of voters who were not yet 17 years old at the time of being bullied. According to him, if in 2024 at the time of the election they will be 17 years old, this needs to be considered to be corrected immediately where those concerned have the right to vote.

Apart from that, he also highlighted the problem of the wrong placement of TPS, the number of which was the result of close monitoring by Bawaslu officers from the Provincial level to the Village/Kelurahan level.

"I also want to ask for the perception of the head of the KPU regarding the principle of dejure, because several districts differ between the E-KTP and the location of the TPS," he added.

Responding to this, Lampung KPU Chairman Erwan Bustami said that the input for the improvement would be corrected, this was because the DPS needed to get input from the public.

"Regarding voters who do not have an E-KTP, the children were indeed 17 years old when they were co-checked and had been recorded by the local Population Disduk but the E-KTP had not been printed, but it is still their duty to enter those concerned into the DPS," he said.

Regarding dejure in the coklit process, Erwin said that there were people who lived not according to the E-KTP address, based on existing regulations the voters got a TPS location according to the E-KTP address.

"Public participation is highly expected in relation to this DPS, because we will convey a copy of this DPS to Political Parties and Stakeholders," he explained.

For your information, the agenda for the plenary meeting was attended in full by 7 Lampung KPU commissioners including Erwan Bustami, Chair of the Lampung KPU who chaired the meeting; Agus Riyanti Head of Data and Information Division; Ismanto Head of Implementation Technical Division; Ali Sidik Head of HR and R & D Division; Warsito Head of Legal and Oversight Division; Titik Sutriningsih Head of Planning and Logistics Division; Antoniyus Head of Voter Education Socialization and Community Participation Division.

Meanwhile from the Provincial Bawaslu are the Coordinator of the Division of Prevention and Community Participation Karno Ahmad Satarya, Commissioner of KPU 15 Regencies/Cities, Representatives of Political Parties and Kesbangpol Lampung Province. (*)