• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Homecoming Eid 2023, Garuda Airline Economy Tickets 98 Percent Have Been Ordered

Sabtu, 15 April 2023 - 09.23 WIB

Garuda airplane. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - General Manager of Garuda Indonesia Lampung, Widya Kurniawan Putra, said that the public's interest in going homecoming for Eid in 2023 by Garuda flight has started to show an increase, according to him, economy tickets for Garuda flights for the Lampung-Jakarta route are already 98 percent filled.

"So far the preparations themselves have gone smoothly, God willing, Garuda Indonesia is ready to face the Eid homecoming in Lampung in 2023," Widya said when asked for a statement, Friday (14/4/2023).

He explained that during the Eid peak season this week until the end of April, economy class tickets were 98 percent fully filled and leaving around 50 percent of seats for business class.

"We still provide several seats for business class. The capacity of Garuda Indonesia's own aircraft is 162 seats per flight. It consists of 150 seats in economy class, only 12 seats in business class," he explained.

For the flight schedule itself, Garuda Indonesia airline flies twice a day. For the purpose of Lampung-Jakarta departs at 07.45 am and 13.20 pm while Jakarta-Lampung departs at 11.45 pm and 15.40 pm.

"So far there has been no increase in the number of flights or the number of aircraft. We are still looking at the situation in the future. From an operational standpoint and availability of the fleet, we have also made sure it is ready," he explained.

Previously, the Executive General Manager (EGM) of Radin Inten II Lampung Airport, Untung Basuki explained, if the number of passengers at Radin Inten Airport is predicted to increase by 11 percent compared to the previous year.

Where the number of passengers reached 46,110 people, while the movement of the aircraft itself is estimated to have reached 300 flights or an increase of around 11 percent from the previous 270 flights. (*)