• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Bandar Lampung Residents Disappear Dragged by Waves While Fishing on Sebalang South Lampung Indonesia Beach

Sabtu, 15 April 2023 - 10.10 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - One victim drowned while fishing on Sebalang Beach, Katibung District, South Lampung (Lamsel) Regency has yet to be found.

From the information collected by Kupastuntas.co, two drowned victims, namely Dewo (22), a fisherman from Sukabumi District, Bandar Lampung City, who initially set out fishing with his friend Muhayat (28) who is also a fisherman from Campang Induk Hamlet, Campang Tiga Village, Sidomulyo District.

The Head of the Katibung Sector Police (Kapolsek), AKP Aos Kusni Palah said that the two of them went fishing last Thursday (13/4/2023), around 11.00 pm in the afternoon.

"On arrival at the location, the two of them met Marjuk who was going fishing. At around 13.00 noon, they went down to the sea to set fishing nets," said the police chief, Friday (14/4/23).

Unfortunately, around 16.00 in the afternoon, when Dewo was busy fishing, he was dragged by the waves and drowned.

Seeing this, Muhayat didn't remain silent and tried to throw himself in with the intention of helping, but unfortunately to no avail.

"Witnesses Roki Novrizal (31) and Agus Nadi (56) saw Muhayat asking for help and immediately provided assistance. However, the victim on behalf of Dewo was nowhere to be seen," continued the police chief.

Fortunately, Muhayat managed to be saved even though his friend Dewo was not as lucky as him and was declared missing until now.

"So far the victim on behalf of Dewo has not been found, and is still being searched with the help of local residents. Later we will be notified if there are any developments in the situation," said the police chief. (*)