• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Police Arrest 6 Terrorists in Lampung Indonesia, 2 Dead Shot, They Plan to Attack Police

Jumat, 14 April 2023 - 08.42 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Anti-terror Densus 88 at the Indonesian Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) was involved in a shootout with six suspected terrorists in Lampung Province. The shootout left two suspected terrorists dead, and one Densus 88 member was shot. Four other suspected terrorists were arrested.

Spokesperson for Densus 88 Anti-terror at the National Police Headquarters, Kombes Aswin Siregar said the arrests of suspected terrorists were carried out on April 11-12 2023. The arrests were made in Mesuji Regency and Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province.

"In addition to Mesuji Regency, I mean arrests were also made in Pringsewu Regency last night. As of last night, the total number is six people," said Aswin together with Karopenmas Polri Headquarters, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan during a press conference at the Police Headquarters Office, Jakarta, Thursday (13 /4/23).

Aswin explained, in the shootout the two terrorists who died had the initials NG alias BA alias SA and ZK. While four others have been arrested, namely PS alias JA, H alias NB, AM, and KI alias AS.

Two suspected terrorists with the initials NG and ZK were shot dead for resisting. "Six of the perpetrators who were arrested, two of them must be paralyzed or take firm action for resisting," said Aswin.

Aswin said that during the shooting incident, one member of Detachment 88, namely Bripda JO, was shot in the thigh near the stomach. The member is currently receiving medical treatment.

"And from this incident one Densus member suffered a gunshot wound that was serious enough that he had to be evacuated down and is currently under intensive medical treatment. We sympathize and we pray that this member can be treated quickly safely and join us again in carrying out our duties. ," he said.

Aswin explained that the six suspected terrorists were members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) network, and had planned to attack the police. "So most of these groups plan to do amaliyah to groups or to police officers," he said.

Currently, the Densus 88 Team is still hunting for several other people involved in the shooting incident. Aswin also revealed the roles of the six suspected terrorists who were arrested. Aswin said, NG alias N alias BA has been on the wanted list (DPO) since 2016. NG's role was to make the weapons assembly bunker.

"I started with the suspect in the name of BA, yes, N alias BA is a member of JI who has been made a DPO since 2016. So far the person concerned has been known to have stored weapons. N alias BA has also made bunkers for making homemade weapons since 2019. We will reveal 2020 at the time of Upi Lawangan's arrest," he explained.

Aswin said, N alias BA is a central figure in the terrorist group. He said the group facilitated the escape of JI network terrorists in Lampung, including the Bali Bomb I terrorist, Zulkarnaen.

"N alias BA is indeed a central figure on several DPO wanted lists of people from the Jemaah Islamiyyah group who are hidden or facilitating their escape, N alias BA is indeed a central figure in the context of protecting and hiding these figures who are in Lampung," he said

He said, N alias BA also always echoed the desire to carry out acts of terror. He said that the group's amaliyah targets were members of the police.

"And N alias BA always echoes the spirit of desire for acts of terror or amaliyah we usually call yes, especially to members of the National Police," he said.

Aswin explained, PS is a member of N alias NG alias BA. Then, ZK played the role of hiding the M-16 firearm.

"Then there are the suspects, brothers P, PS alias J, yes, and the general, they are members of the group N alias BA, so the term is their activities together with N alias BA earlier," said Aswin. ZK kept and hid the M-16.

Aswin said, H alias NB is a wanted list of people from the Poso conflict case. While AM plays a role in planning attacks or amaliyah with firearms.

"Then H alias NB was a DPO from the Poso conflict case who later joined this group. This is the same as still in the Jamaah Islamiyah network. Then the suspect AM was a member of the JI Lampung group who joined this group who had already prepared to plan an amaliyah with firearms. And KI is the same as AM," he said. The police have also secured an M-16 firearm.

Aswin explained, the six suspected terrorists were affiliated with the Bali Bomb I terrorists, Zulkarnaen alias Arif Sunarso alias Daud and Upik Lawanga.

Aswin said the suspected terrorists helped and hid Zulkarnaen and Upik Lawanga. "The group we are dismantling now is the group that carried out the concealment from Zulkarnaen and Upik Lawanga," he said.

Aswin said, the leader of the group ter the orism is the terrorist who died namely N aka BA. "So these two days began with the first arrest on April 11 of the suspect with the initials PS alias J on Tuesday. Then it was followed by the arrest of brother N alias BA who is one of the leaders of this group," he explained.

Meanwhile, Head of Pekon (Village) Margosari, Pagelaran Utara District, Pringsewu, Syahril Gofur said, after the arrest of the suspected terrorist, many police stopped at his house. "The location for the arrest of the suspected terrorist is about 20 km from residential areas," said Syahril.

He revealed that the location occupied by the suspected terrorist was a plantation area for farming both residents of North Pagelaran, Sukoharjo District and from other areas. "So those arrested (suspected terrorists) are not our citizens," he explained.

He said currently Densus 88 was still on the move to chase the suspected terrorists who had fled from Register 22 heading towards Batu Tegi District, Tanggamus Regency.

For information, the location where the suspected terrorist was hiding is adjacent to Central Lampung Regency, to be precise, in Hamlet 3 of Sendang Baru Village. The area is right under the Forest Register 22 area.

Supar (48), a resident of Sendang Baru, said that the suspected terrorists had been working on coffee plantations in the Register 22 area. "They came down from the mountains to sell coffee," he said.

Subroto, another resident of Sendang Baru, said that there were around 30 to 40 police personnel assigned to arrest suspected terrorists.

"The suspected terrorist who had died was brought down from the mountain on a motorcycle. Meanwhile, the other suspected terrorists surrendered," said Subroto.

Monitoring at the location on Thursday (13/4/23) afternoon, at the house of the Sendang Baru village chief, several members of Densus 88 and six four-wheeled vehicles were still on standby.

Head of Sendang Baru Village, Basarudin revealed, the number of suspected terrorists who were arrested from the Register 22 area was five people. "One suspected terrorist was shot dead because he resisted," he explained.

Basarudin said the Densus 88 team had to walk across the footpath for almost 3 hours to get to the hut belonging to the suspected terrorist.

"The Densus 88 team also secured a long-barreled automatic firearm along with 52 bullets, sharp weapons and several books. There was an exchange of fire so that at that time the atmosphere was very tense," he added.

When contacted, the Lampung Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Helmy Santika, said that his party only backed up and supported Densus 88 activities while in Lampung. He appealed to the public to remain vigilant, because it is possible that there are still suspected terrorists mingling with the community. (*)

This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper edition of Friday 14 April 2023 with the title "Densus 88 Arrests 6 Terrorists in Lampung, 2 Shots Killed"