Lampung Indonesian Police Deploy Snipers to Secure the 2023 Eid Homecoming Flow

Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung
Regional Police (Polda) deployed a sniper team to secure the 2023 Eid
homecoming. Snipers will be on alert in a number of locations that are prone to
Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) Polda
Lampung, Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Zahwani Pandra Arsyad said sniper
teams would be alerted at several crime-prone points in the Lampung region.
"Snipers are deployed to provide a sense
of security and comfort to travelers crossing the Lampung region. Apart from
crime-prone points, snipers will also be placed in crowded locations,"
said Pandra, Wednesday (12/4/23).
Pandra revealed that starting April 19, 2023,
83 security and service posts will be established by the Lampung Police, and
the integrated post will be at Bakauheni Port.
"Later on we will also escort the
travelers to their destination in a relay with Tekab 308, Dirlantas, and the
Brimob Unit," he explained.
Pandra appealed to people who are going
homecoming to always be vigilant while traveling, especially when crossing
locations prone to crime.
He explained, as many as 4,664 joint personnel
would be deployed to secure the 2023 Eid homecoming in Lampung. The thousands
of personnel consist of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Indonesian
National Armed Forces (TNI), Transportation Service (Dishub), Health Service
(Dinkes), Civil Service Police (Pol PP), Linmas, Jasa Raharja, Fire Department
(Damkar), Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), Scouts, ASDP, Basarnas, BPBD, PT Angkasa
Pura and a number of other agencies.
These personnel will be deployed during
Operation Ketupat Krakatau which will take place from April 19 to May 2 2023.
In addition, thousands of vehicles ranging from motorbikes to helicopters will
be deployed to help secure the 2023 Eid homecoming.
Pandra explained, his party would also make a
number of breakthroughs in dealing with the Eid homecoming flow later,
including preparing parking pockets and free workshops for travelers who use
the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS).
"We will prepare parking pockets on the
Sumatra route and also provide escort for groups of two-wheeled vehicle
travelers traveling at night," he said.
His party has also prepared a free workshop in
the KM-20A and KM 20B rest areas at JTTS. Meanwhile, PT Hutama Karya ensures
that H-10 Lebaran heavy vehicles that have double pressure of more than 10 tons
are not allowed to pass through the Trans Sumatra Toll Road.
"In accordance with government
regulations, we ensure that H-10 heavy or large vehicles or over dimension over
loading (ODOL) are not allowed to pass through national roads or toll roads,
except for fuel vehicles, basic food and fertilizers, these are still allowed
to pass," said Director of Operations III PT. Hutama Karya Koentjoro,
Saturday (8/4/23).
He said, in order to find out if the vehicle
has double pressure of over 10 tons or not, Hutama Karya has installed weighing
devices for moving vehicles at the JTTS entrance.
"The ODOL problem is indeed related to
bumpy and damaged roads. If the normal standard at JTTS, the double pressure is
10 tons, but in reality it is much more than that in the field," he said.
According to him, by installing weighing
devices for moving vehicles, his party can find out or detect that on average
60 percent of those crossing the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar (Bakter) JTTS
section are logistics vehicles.
"Of the 60 percent of logistics vehicles
that pass through the Bakter segment, 70 percent are ODOL vehicles, or have
double pressure of over 10 tons," he said.
He emphasized that basically Hutama Karya is
ready to support any decisions or regulations made by the government in an
effort to smooth the flow of homecoming and return traffic, including not
allowing heavy vehicles to cross the JTTS on H-10.
"This has also been stipulated by the
Central Government that ODOL cannot pass, except for vehicles that are still
within normal limits, on D-10 Eid," he said.
Koentjoro revealed, after the Lebaran
homecoming and returning traffic ended, his party planned to turn around the
ODOL vehicles that wanted to cross the JTTS.
"So later on vehicles over 10 tons of
double pressure will be reversed or ejected onto the national road. It's a bit
of a dilemma, if the toll road is not damaged, how about the national road?
That's the question," he said.
According to him, the best solution is that
there are no more double-pressure vehicles of over 10 tons or ODOL trucks that
cross both toll roads and national roads.
"But again, to be able to achieve that,
we have to wait for definite regulations from the government, because studies
are still being carried out from various stakeholders. As toll road managers,
we are ready to carry out all decisions issued by the government," he
said. (*)
This news has been published in the Kupas
Tuntas daily newspaper edition on Thursday 13 April 2023 with the title "Polda Deploys Snipers to
Secure Homecoming Flow"
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