• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Caught About to Steal, Residents of Jati Agung, South Lampung Battered Judged by the masses

Kamis, 13 April 2023 - 17.14 WIB

The perpetrators of the theft together with the evidence of the crime tools used when they were arrested at the Jatiagung Police, South Lampung. Photo: special

Kupastuntas.co, South Lampung - A man named Erli (50) from Jati Mulyo Village, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency was caught by residents when he was about to steal, no doubt the perpetrator was battered and became the butt of the residents.

Jati Agung Police Chief, Iptu Mustolih explained, his party received a report from residents shortly after the perpetrator was arrested when he was about to commit a criminal act of attempted theft by weighting and carrying a knife-type sharp weapon.

"That's right. It happened on Wednesday at around 02.30 WIB in Tanjung Baru Hamlet, Karang Sari Village, Jati Agung District," said the Head of Police representing the Head of the South Lamsel Police AKBP Edwin when confirmed, Thursday morning, April 13, 2023.

Previously, the perpetrator Erli tried to commit theft at a house belonging to a resident, namely Muhadi (38).

His mode, the perpetrator tried to enter the victim's house by prying the window using a crowbar.

"While he was prying the windows of the victim's house, the perpetrator was noticed by residents who were carrying out patrols, so they shouted at the thief," continued the police chief.

The screams made residents start arriving at the scene, and the perpetrators immediately tried to run away.

"Not long after, the perpetrator was caught and beaten by residents so that the perpetrator suffered injuries to the back of his head and right arm," explained the police chief.

The police who arrived at the crime scene immediately rushed the perpetrator to Bhayangkara Hospital to receive medical treatment.

"From the perpetrator's provisional statement, he is a recidivist of theft in the Natar area. The perpetrator is currently still being treated at the Bhayangkara Hospital," said the police chief.

From the hands of the suspect, the police recovered evidence including a 20-centimeter long knife in a brown leather sheath, 1 brown bag containing 1 tongs, 1 cutting pliers, 1 screwdriver, 1 small crowbar, 1 L key handle, 1 number spanner 12/10 and 1 T-creek handle and 3 T-crews and L-creek.

"The articles alleged against the perpetrators are Article 363 Juncto 53 of the Criminal Code and Article 1 of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951," said the police chief. (*)

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