Found in Possession of Sinte Tobacco Narcotics, Two Youths in West Lampung Arrested by Police

One of the perpetrators, namely JM, along with his synthetic tobacco evidence. Photo: Echa/, West Lampung - The Narcotics Unit of the West Lampung Police managed to secure RL (19), a resident of Pekon (Village) Sebarus, Balik Bukit District, and JM (23), a resident of Way Confessing Village, Balik Bukit District, for consuming narcotics, a type of sinte tobacco.
West Lampung Police Chief AKPB Heri Sugeng Priyantho through the Head of West Lampung Police Narcotics Unit Iptu Jhoni Apriwansyah said that the two were secured in two different places at around 02:00 WIB, Wednesday, April 12, 2023 when the team carried out the 2023 Krakatau antique operation.
"We secured the RL perpetrators in Pasar Liwa Village, Balik Bukit District, while for JM we managed to arrest them in Way Confessing Village, Balik Bukit District at around 02:00 WIB," said Iptu Jhoni when confirmed, Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
The chronology of the incident started with a report received by his party regarding the alleged abuse of narcotics in the Balik Bukit District area, then his party immediately followed up on the report by conducting an investigation.
"After the investigation process, we found out that the two were in two different places and we immediately moved to secure the two suspected perpetrators, during the arrest process the two did not put up a fight," he said.
Then during a search of the suspected RL perpetrators, his party found evidence in a burning cigarette box containing a butt of Sinte Tobacco Narcotics.
Meanwhile, the evidence that was successfully secured from JM was a sling bag in which there was a plastic clip containing Sinte Tobacco Narcotics and a bundle of Narayana Papir paper.
"After being interrogated, the two admitted that the goods belonged to both of them for personal consumption, then the suspected perpetrators along with the evidence were taken to the West Lampung Police for further examination," said the Head of the Narcotics Unit.
Because the two alleged perpetrators of drug abuse were arrested at the same time and also the same type of evidence but had different roles, the Narcotics Unit issued two different Police Reports.
"The two perpetrators we snared the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum prison sentence of 4 years and a maximum of 12 years," he concluded. (*)
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