• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Police Arrest Group of Glass Breaking Mode of Thieves in Lampung, Indonesia

Selasa, 11 April 2023 - 20.59 WIB

The perpetrators presented at a press conference at the Bandar Lampung Police Headquarters, Tuesday April 11 2023. Photo: Martogi/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The police arrested a group of perpetrators of theft mode of breaking glass, one of the crime scenes in the Sukarame area, Bandar Lampung City with a loss of IDR 800 million.

The perpetrators arrested included Rusli 52 years, Edi Rahman 46 years, Hasan Basri 33 years, and Arkan Ramaika 33 years, a resident of Kayu Agung, South Sumatra. Meanwhile, 3 other colleagues with the initials S, DL and T who were the brains of the perpetrators of the plot are still being chased by the police.

The Bandar Lampung Police Chief, Kombes Pol Ino Harianto said, the perpetrators were arrested in a rented house in the Rajabasa area on April 4, 2023. However, the Arkan perpetrator was detained at the Way Kanan Police Headquarters because the incident took place in Way Kanan.

"So the perpetrators deliberately migrated and contracted in Lampung to commit theft. These perpetrators are specialists in theft targeting bank customers," he said, during a press conference at the Bandar Lampung Police Headquarters, Tuesday, April 11, 2023.

Based on the results of the investigation, it was revealed that the perpetrators had acted in several places of incident, including the Sukarame, Panjang, Kemiling, Teluk Betung Utara and Way Kanan areas.

"The most recent incident was in Sukarame with the victim Kevin who suffered a loss of IDR 800 million, the location of the Long victim Selvi with a loss of 2 cellphones and IDR 3 million in cash, the Kemiling location of the victim Nova with a loss of one laptop and 3 savings of around IDR 61 million, the location of Teluk Betung Utara, victim of Habibi with a loss of IDR 101 million, location of Way Kanan, victim of Suwarso with a loss of IDR 2.6 million," he said.

The mode of the perpetrators was to initially rent a temporary house as a hiding place to plan actions, then share roles to find bank customer targets.

"So there are perpetrators who are inside the bank pretending to be customers monitoring other customers who make large transactions without escort. After that the perpetrators inform other colleagues who are outside the bank by taking photos of the target victims," he said.

"After the victim entered the car, the perpetrator's partner outside followed him on a motorcycle. The perpetrator waited until the victim stopped or was off guard. Then the perpetrator broke the windshield of the car and stole the money in it," he explained.

Apart from that, the perpetrators also used the method of deflating the victim's car tires with a nail.

"So when the victim went out to check the car tires, there the perpetrators swiftly opened the car door and stole the money inside. If there was a pressing need, the perpetrators would not hesitate to injure their victims," he said.

The evidence secured from the perpetrators included a red CBR motorbike, a red MX motorbike, 2 black helmets, 9 cell phones, 2 spark plug rings for breaking glass, 7 wallets, 2 waist bags, splinters of nails, and a colored hat. green.

Now the perpetrators are subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code and Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 12 Years in Prison juncto Articles 55, 56 of the Criminal Code concerning participating in and assisting in committing crimes and Article 88 of the Criminal Code concerning conspiracy to evil. (*)

KUPAS TV Video: Broken Glass Mode, 800 Million Money in a Pajero Car Missing as Robbed