Civil Servants in Lampung Prohibited from Going Eid Homecoming Using Official Vehicles

Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The
Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Lampung has banned state civil servants
(ASN) from using official vehicles for the 2023 Eid homecoming.
Assistant I for Administration and Welfare of
the Lampung Provincial Government, Qodratul Ikhwan, said official vehicles
should not be used for going home because they are not suitable for their use.
According to Qodratul, generally ASNs within
the Lampung Provincial Government have understood the rules regarding the
prohibition of using official vehicles for this Eid homecoming.
"ASN already know the rules that official
vehicles are not used for private activities, and it is hoped that everyone can
obey them," said Qodratul, Monday (10/4/23).
Mayor of Metro, Wahdi also banned officials
and civil servants within the City Government of Metro from traveling to and
from the province of Lampung using official vehicles.
"If there are still civil servants who
violate it, strict sanctions in the form of revocation of randis rights and
performance sanctions will await," said Wahdi, Monday (10/4/23).
He emphasized that randis could only be used
for traveling in the Lampung area. "It is clear that randis cannot leave
the Lampung area. But if they are in the Lampung area, they may," said
Wahdi said officials were allowed to use
randis outside the area for work purposes. On the other hand, randis are
prohibited from being used outside the region for personal gain.
"The official car is for work purposes.
If I have an invitation to Bali, that's fine, because I'm at work. But if an
invitation to Jakarta is for personal gain, it's not allowed," he said
Wahdi also warned not to borrow randis to
other people. "If the randis is used by someone else, they will definitely
get a penalty. The first time the car is revoked. Then it is subject to
performance sanctions," he said.
Metro City Secretary, Bangkit Haryo Utomo
added, his party would immediately issue a circular regarding the prohibition
of using reddis for going home.
"Later we will make a circular letter.
Randis cannot leave Lampung. But if you go to Bandar Jaya or Bandar Lampung,
you may. Unless found in Jakarta or in Cilegon, you may not," he said.
The Acting Regional Secretary of West Lampung
Regency (Lambar), Adi Utama also prohibited ASN from using official vehicles
for going home or for recreation during the Eid al-Fitr holidays.
Adi Utama said that official vehicles may only
be used for government purposes, and may not be used for other things.
"All employees or ASN holding official
vehicles are prohibited from using their vehicles for going home and for
recreation. Because official vehicles may only be used for the benefit of
government affairs," he emphasized.
Adi revealed that a circular letter would soon
be issued for this prohibition so that all ASNs could follow the directions
that had been conveyed.
His party also conveyed the schedule of
national holidays which will be held from 19 to 25 April 2023.
"So that automatically administrative
public services are also on holiday. For example, e-KTP services and other
services are on holiday, but for emergency services, for example those relating
to life safety and others, they remain on standby and are still open for
services," he said.
Previously, the Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK) asked officials not to use official cars to go home during
Eid. Leaders of ministries, agencies and government agencies were asked to
confirm the ban.
"KPK has also appealed to the heads of
ministries or institutions or regional governments and State-Owned Enterprises
(BUMN) or Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) to prohibit the use of official
facilities for personal gain," said KPK prevention spokesperson, Ipi
Maryati, Monday ( 10/4/23).
The ban also applies to other state facilities
that can be used for going home. The KPK reminded officials to use their
private vehicles for Eid.
The ban was based on official facilities not
for personal use. The purpose of giving assets is to support the performance of
officials. "Service facilities should only be used for official-related
purposes," said Ipi.
The KPK has sent KPK Circular Letter (SE)
Number 6 of 2023 dated March 30, 2023 concerning Prevention of Corruption and
Control of Gratification Related to Hari Raya to remember this ban. Officials
are expected to ignore the notification. (*)
This news has been published in the Kupas
Tuntas daily newspaper edition of Tuesday 11 April 2023 with the title
"ASN Are Prohibited from Homecoming Using Official Vehicles"
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