• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Lampung Transportation Agency Give a Ticket 343 ODOL Vehicles, Dominated by Coal Transportation Vehicles

Senin, 10 April 2023 - 08.49 WIB

ODOL Vehicles. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Transportation Service (Dishub) of Lampung Province submitted 343 ticket files for Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL) vehicles to the district court for trial. The ODOL vehicles that violated it were dominated by coal-laden trucks.

The Head of the Transportation Agency for Lampung Province, Bambang Sumbogo, revealed that most of the ODOL vehicles that were ticketed crossed the central cause way of Lampung Province, loading coal, fertilizer and cement.

"We have submitted ODOL vehicle ticket documents several times. Yesterday we submitted 343 more to the North Lampung District Court. These are the results of raids on toll roads and national roads," said Bambang, Sunday (9/4/23).

Bambang explained, according to Law (UU) Number 9 of 2022 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation in Article 307 it is stated that the sanction for those who practice ODOL trucks is imprisonment for a maximum of two months or a maximum fine of 500 thousand rupiah.

"This is our concern, so far the sanctions given to ODOL vehicles based on the law are only IDR500,000 maximum. And the execution is only IDR100,000 depending on the verdict of the panel of judges," he said.

Bambang hopes that the fines for ODOL vehicles can be increased, and this will be discussed together with the Supreme Court, the Attorney General's Office and the National Police (Mahkejapol).

"Hopefully this additional fine can be raised at a central level forum and it can be agreed upon by the Mahkejapol. So that it can have a deterrent effect, if possible the fine reaches IDR5 million to IDR10 million," he said.

Bambang said, after Eid, his party would again increase enforcement against ODOL vehicles, especially those carrying coal loads from South Sumatra Province.

"After Eid we will start to discipline again, especially those carrying coal. Later we will collect stockpile entrepreneurs again to follow the rules for carrying coal according to the Governor's Circular Letter. And the hope is not to damage provincial roads and national roads," he explained.

Based on Circular Letter (SE) of the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi Number: 045.2/0208/V.13/2022 it is stated that coal must be transported by vehicles with a maximum permitted weight of 8 tons using Light Dump Truck vehicles or medium trucks.

Furthermore, a series of coal truck vehicles is not allowed to accompany more than 3 vehicles. Then, coal vehicles are only allowed to cross the Lampung Province area from 18.00 PM to 06.00 AM.

Unfortunately, in the field there were still a number of coal-laden vehicles crossing the Lampung Province area during the day. Based on Peel Complete Monitoring on Soekarno Hatta Road, Bandar Lampung, several coal trucks often pass during the day. To avoid being inspected by officers, the driver deliberately covered the coal load using a tarpaulin so that it was not visible.

Member of Commission IV Regional People's Representative Assembly (DPRD) Lampung Province, Ade Utami Ibnu, said that there are still several ODOL vehicles operating freely without complying with the Circular Letter of the Governor of Lampung. This has resulted in the condition of both provincial and national roads becoming damaged quickly.

"What is important to do is the operation against ODOL which must be intensified again. Entrepreneurs should also be able to understand and comply with the operational rules for ODOL vehicles," he said.

He proposed that the Governor of Lampung's SE regarding regulations for coal transport vehicles could be upgraded to become a regional regulation so that there is a legal basis for taking action.

"For SE, there are no sanctions included, but if it becomes a regional regulation, there can be sanctions that regulate it. So that the application in the field can also be effective," he said.

Meanwhile, Observer of Transportation and Land Use of the Itera Urban and Regional Planning Study Program (PWK), IB Ilham Malik, hopes that the central government and regional governments will immediately resolve the ODOL vehicle problem.

He considered that the presence of ODOL vehicles on the road caused many negative impacts, ranging from road damage that was faster than the planned age to frequent accidents.

"The presence of ODOL vehicles will definitely have an impact on road damage and accidents. Because private vehicles have to share the road with ODOL vehicles and this is prone to failed brakes when on steep descents," he said. (*)

This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper Monday 10 April 2023 edition with the title "Dishub Follows 343 ODOL Vehicles"