• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Lampung Transportation Agency Expects More Over-Dimensional Vehicle Fines

Minggu, 09 April 2023 - 16.55 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung Province Transportation Service hopes that ticket fines for Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles can be increased, reaching IDR 5 million to IDR 10 million.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Department of Transportation Lampung, Bambang Sumbogo. He hopes that the sanctions for Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles can be increased and discussed together with the Supreme Court forum, the Attorney General's Office and the Police.

"Hopefully it will be raised at a central level forum for the fine to be agreed between Makejahpol. So this will have a deterrent effect," he said. Sunday April 9, 2023.

"This is our concern and so far the sanctions given to Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles based on the law are only IDR 500,000 with a maximum fine of IDR 100,000 depending on the judge's decision,” he said.

So far, the Lampung Transportation Agency has recorded that it has submitted 343 fines against Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles. The file was submitted to the District Court for trial.

"We have several times submitted ticket documents for Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles. Yesterday we submitted 343 more to the North Lampung District Court. This was yesterday's raid on toll roads and national roads," said Bambang.

Bambang explained, most of the Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles that cross Lampung Province are on the central causeway which loads coal, fertilizer to cement.

Still said Bambang, after this Eid, his party will again increase the prosecution of Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles, especially those carrying coal from South Sumatra Province.

"After Eid we will start to put things in order again, especially those carrying coal. Later we will gather stock pile entrepreneurs again to follow the rules for carrying coal according to the Governor's Circular Letter. And the hope is that it will not damage provincial roads and national roads," he said.

Meanwhile, Observer of Transportation and Land Use of the ITERA Regional and City Planning Study Program, IB Ilham Malik, also hopes that the central and regional governments will immediately resolve the problem of Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles.

He considered that the existence of Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles on the road caused many negative impacts, ranging from road damage that was faster than the planned age to frequent accidents.

"The existence of Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles definitely has an impact on road damage and also accidents. Because private vehicles have to share the road with Over Dimension Over Loading vehicles and this is prone to brake failure when on a steep descent," he said. (*)

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