BPJN Lampung Proposes Funds of IDR 867 Billion for Regional Road Improvements

Illustration. Photo: Hipwee
Bandar Lampung - The Lampung National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN)
proposed funds of IDR 867 billion to the Central Government to be used to
repair regional roads in Lampung.
The Head
of the BPJN Lampung, Rien Marlia said, the proposed funds use the state revenue
budget (APBN) based on the rules contained in Presidential Instruction (Inpres)
Number 3 of 2023 Concerning the Acceleration of Increasing Regional Road
the total we are proposing is IDR 867 billion, but this is only BPJN's
proposal. The funds will later be used to repair provincial and district-owned
roads that can boost the economy," said Rien, when giving a statement at
Mahan Agung, Thursday (6/4/2023 ).
explained that regional roads that could be repaired using Presidential
Instruction funds had several criteria. As there is already a design, land that
has been declared ready until environmental documents are available.
criteria for obtaining Presidential Instruction funds are very strict. One of
them is that there is a design, the land is ready, environmental documents are
also there. Apart from that, sections that can revive the regional economy. If
they do not fulfill them, the center will block them," She continued.
revealed that one of the regional roads that will be repaired using the Inpres
funds is Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, which currently belongs to Lampung Province.
the Ryacudu Canal Road, this is one of those that received Presidential
Instruction assistance worth IDR 69 billion with a length of 2.3 kilometers and
this will be rigid concrete as well as drainage and sidewalks. Our target is
that in May the tender will start and it will be smooth by the end of the year,"
she explained.
Head of the Lampung Province Highways and Construction Services (BMBK),
Febrizal Levi Sukmana explained, currently his party is carrying out work on
repairing the Ryacudu Canal Road.
The length
of the road being repaired using rigid concrete is approximately 1 kilometer
long with a budget prepared of IDR 13 billion through the 2023 APBD.
"So now the repair process is starting from the Kota Baru
toll exit to the front of Itera. Later after that the repairs will be carried
out by BPJN using Presidential Instruction funds," said Febrizal. (*)
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