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Bandar Lampung City Employment Agencies Warns Companies to Pay Holiday Allowances on Time

Rabu, 05 April 2023 - 20.48 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Bandar Lampung City Employment Agencies (Disnaker) has prepared a post for complaining about the 2023 Eid al-Fitr holiday allowance (THR), for workers who face problems with disbursing THR at their workplace. The Employment Agencies also warns companies to pay workers' THR on time according to statutory regulations.

"We will set up a post at the Bandar Lampung City Employment Agenciese, and make an announcement in the form of a banner that will be put up in front that we will serve complainants to workers who are having problems paying THR," said Head of Bandar Lampung City Employment Agencies, M. Yudhi, Wednesday (5 /4/2023).

"Now we will follow up on the report," he continued.

Based on the Circular of the Minister of Employment Agencies MK number 22/HK/04.00/III/2023, that every company must pay THR for its workers a week before Eid.

"So yes, there is no more reason for companies not to pay THR, because there are no Covid-19 cases. So it is mandatory to pay THR according to the letter from the Minister of Manpower," he said.

Yudhi said that all workers must get THR. Where the value is adjusted to company policy.

"Because salaries are different. So the company has a calculation. In essence, we ask that 7 days before Eid THR must be paid," he appealed.

Complaints, said Yudhi, are usually related to late payment of THR. While workers want to welcome Eid by buying clothes, buying Eid needs. Moreover, until not paid.

"So in this case we have also coordinated with the Provincial Manpower Office, because the supervisory authority is in the province. Later when there are complaints, a team will be formed. Then coordinate with the province to resolve the problem," he stated. (*)