• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

The Lampung Health Service Establishes 78 Health Posts During the 2023 Eid Homecoming

Sabtu, 01 April 2023 - 10.56 WIB

Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office Reihana when questioned, Friday 31 March 2023. Photo: Ria/Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Lampung Provincial Health Office will establish 78 health posts spread across transportation nodes during the homecoming and return flows in the upcoming Eid 2023.

Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana said, each post will have six officers on guard. Starting from ambulance drivers, midwives, nurses, doctors, surveillance and health promotion.

"So when going home, 78 health posts will be established. Later these health posts will start providing services from April 16 to 30. Each post will have six officers on guard," said Reihana, when questioned, Friday 31 March 2023 .

He revealed that the posts would be established at Bandar Lampung 9, Pesawaran 8, South Lampung 13, Metro 1, Central Lampung 7, North Lampung 3, West Lampung 4, West Coast 8, West Tulangbawang 8, Mesuji 1, Tulang Bawang 4, Tanggamus 2, Pringsewu 3, East Lampung 5 and Way Kanan 2.

Furthermore, in the rest area of the Bakauheni -Terbanggi Besar toll road section 12 points. Among them are at KM 20, KM 33, KM 49, KM 67, KM 87 and KM 116. Then there are 9 rest areas on the Terpeka segment. Among them are at KM 163 A, 172 B, 208 A, 215 B, 234 A, 269 B, 277 A, 306 B and 311 A.

"Later, officers will carry out travel screening, for those who haven't been vaccinated, they can ask for a vaccine. Then they can check their blood pressure or those who have complaints of illness can be treated. If it's severe, we'll refer it to the hospital," he explained.

He also said that in the future there will be seven Public Safety Centers in the regencies of Tulang Bawang, West Tulang Bawang, Way Kanan, Tanggamus, Pesisir Barat, Pringsewu and Pesawaran.

"So this PSC is to provide emergency services quickly. In Lampung there are also 318 Puskesmas where 158 are inpatients and 160 are non-inpatients. There are 82 hospitals with 22 government owned and 60 private ones," he said. (*)

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