• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Brio Car Found Full of Shots and Bloodstains in Lamsel Indonesia, Allegedly Used by a Syndicate of Thieves

Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 08.46 WIB

A red Honda Brio car with police number BE-1867-AMQ full of gunshot marks and bloodstains was found in a rice field area in Rejomulyo Village, Jatiagung District, South Lampung. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - A red Honda Brio car with police number BE-1867-AMQ full of gunshot marks and bloodstains was found in a rice field area in Rejomulyo Village, Jatiagung District, South Lampung.

The car was found by local residents who were going to go to the fields, on Tuesday (28/3/23). When found, the condition of the front door of the vehicle had four gunshot holes, the rear window was shattered, and there were lots of blood spots on the front and rear seats.

Zumhari, a resident of Rejomulyo, said that the car was first discovered by a resident who was going to the fields. Because they suspected that the car had many gunshot marks and bloodstains, the residents immediately reported it to the village apparatus and the local police.

"When the driver or owner of the car was found, he was not there. The car had been there since 01.00 WIB in the morning," said Zumhuri, Tuesday (28/3/23).

Sutarno, another resident, revealed that in Brio's car an ID card belonging to the Lamtim Regency Government protocol staff was also found in the name of Sinta Yana.

"Earlier I took a photo of an ID card hanging on the front of the car in the name of Sinta Yana, a protocol staff member for the East Lampung Regency Government," said Sutarno.

After receiving the report, Jati Agung Police officers together with the Lamsel Inafis Team immediately went to the location to process the crime scene (TKP). The Head of the Jati Agung Sector Police, Iptu Mustholih, when contacted, confirmed the discovery of the Honda Brio car.

"Confirm with the Bandar Lampung Police. We only provide initial security. The car has also been brought there," said Mustolih.

Kupastuntas.co monitoring, the red Honda Brio car has been secured at the Bandar Lampung Police Headquarters. Officers from the Bandar Lampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit are still conducting an investigation.

Based on Kupastuntas.co investigations, the police number (Nopol) used by the red Honda Brio car BE-1867-AMQ turned out to be a fake number.

Based on the data written on the application to check the vehicle registration number on the page http://pkb.bapenda.lampungprov.go.id/pkb/hasil.php, the police number on the Honda Brio turned out to belong to Triyono, a resident of Sukarame, Bandar Lampung, with a blue Toyota vehicle. metallic year 2000 diesel fuel.

The Head of the Protocol Section of the East Lampung Regency Government (Pemkab Lamtim), Tri Winarni, confirmed when contacted that Sinta Yana was his staff. “It is true that Sinta Yana is my staff. But today the person concerned did not come to work," said Tri, Tuesday (28/3/23).

Tri admitted that he had communicated with Sinta Yana following up on the discovery of the Honda Brio car in Jatiagung. Currently, Sinta Yana is at the Bandar Lampung Police to check the condition of her vehicle.

"I already contacted the person concerned earlier saying he was at the Bandar Lampung Police to see his car. Maybe that's the only information I can give," he said.

An employee at the Lamtim Regency Government said that the Honda Brio car that was found by residents in the rice field area was indeed often brought by Sinta Yana at work.

"If the car is true, he often takes it. This child has long been honored by the protocol. Certainly I don't know, but it's around 4 to 5 years old," said this employee.

This employee also revealed that Sinta Yana was a resident of Sukadana District, East Lampung Regency. "As far as I know he is Sukadana's son. I have asked his friends, they also said that he is a graduate of SMA Negeri 1 Sukadana," he said.

Meanwhile, when called, Sinta Yana admitted that she had no idea why her car was found in a paddy field in Jatiagung.

Sinta admitted that her car was actually in the garage for repairs. "It's true that my car, I also do not know what happened. My car is currently in the garage for repairs," said Sinta.

He said he was currently at the Bandar Lampung Police giving information to the police regarding the incident. "I am currently being questioned by the police. I'm talking about this, it's been a while, yes," he concluded.

The red Honda Brio car found in a rice field was allegedly used by a syndicate that specializes in pick-up car thieves. This suspicion was strengthened by the finding of evidence in the car in the form of a key letter T, a crowbar, a machete type knife and a set of methamphetamine or bong suction devices.

In the car, a wallet was also found containing an identity card (KTP) in the name of Andika Yuliandika, a resident of Tegineneng Sub-District, Pesawaran who is a DPO in a pick-up theft case which is being hunted by the police.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kompol Dennis Arya Putra, explained that his party had been stalking and targeting the Honda Brio car which was allegedly used by the specialist pickup truck gang for several days.

"So the Brio car with the characteristics of the caulk on the hood of the vehicle is identical to a number of pick-up theft incidents in Bandar Lampung," he said.

His party has identified the perpetrators who are known to be 4 people. This was confirmed by CCTV footage at a number of locations the previous day.

In fact, his party had caught a red Brio car with this characteristic on Saturday (25/3/23) night about to take action in Sukarame and Kemiling. However, the perpetrators managed to escape before the action.

"They are DPO cases of pickup theft that have been hunted since 2022," he said. Then, on Monday (27/3/23) evening, the police again detected the specialist group of pickup truck thieves when they were about to take action in the Tanjung Karang Timur area, Bandar Lampung. There was a chase between the police and the syndicate of the perpetrators of theft, which reached Rejomulyo, Lamsel.

"When Tekab 308 wanted to stop the perpetrator's car (Brio Merah), the syndicate instead hit a member's car. Then, the officers fired warning shots to stop the perpetrator," he explained.

Dennis revealed that the perpetrators did not give up, instead they shot back at the officer who was blocking the car. Then, the perpetrators fled even though the car was repeatedly fired upon by the police. "We tried to chase it, but lost track in the Rejomulyo area, Lamsel," he said.

Dennis said that currently Tekab 308 and the Bandar Lampung Police Ranmor Unit are still pursuing the pickup theft syndicate.

His party already has the identity of the driver and passenger of the abandoned Brio car with many gunshot marks and bloodstains in Rejomulyo, Lamsel. "Currently we are pursuing and in a hurry, we will convey the development later, please pray," he concluded. (*)

This news was published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspapaer edition on Wednesday 29 March 2023 with the title "Brio Car Full of Shots-Stains of Blood Found in Rice Fields"