• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Promised to Pass into the Police Academy, Lampung Residents Were Conned by Hundreds of Millions Rupiah

Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023 - 11.00 WIB

Yunie Sarahwati (56) could only look down in embarrassment when it was shown to the media crew. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung – The General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Lampung Regional Police arrested a woman from Yogyakarta named Yunie Sarahwati (56), Wednesday (22/3/2023). Yunie was arrested for fraud against Ferry Zul Azmi by being able to get the victim's child to enter the Police Academy by handing over IDR700 million in cash.

However, it was unfortunate that the promise remained, the victim's child did not pass, and only reached the psychological test selection stage. The money that was handed over was taken away and never returned.

A police member from the General Criminal Research Directorate of the Lampung Regional Police, AKBP Wahyudi Sabhara, revealed that the incident occurred in 2021. However, the victim only reported it in 2022.

He said the case started when the victim's child was about to register for the Police Academy with the regional committee at the Lampung Regional Police. Then, the suspect offered services to the victim so he could help pass his child.

"So the victim was introduced by someone to the suspect that he could pass into the Police Academy. Then the perpetrator asked for IDR700 million until he was declared a graduate, the victim also submitted a down payment of IDR250 million which was transferred 5 times," said Wahyudi. Friday (24/3/2023).

However, over time, the victim does not pass the psychological stage. The victim, who did not accept it, then asked the suspect for his money back.

"The money transferred was never returned by the suspect. In the end, the victim reported it to the Lampung Regional Police," he added.

Based on this report, the Lampung Regional Police conducted an investigation and held a case. The suspect was summoned twice for questioning, but was absent.

Finally the Lampung Regional Police issued a warrant for forced efforts and currently the suspect has been subject to initial detention for 20 days.

Asked whether there were other victims and whether the suspect had relatives in the Police so he dared to sell the name of the Indonesian National Police in order to deceive him, he revealed that his party was still exploring and carrying out developments.

Now the suspect Yunie Sarahwati is suspected of fraud or embezzlement under Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 4 years in prison.

The evidence that was secured was a cash receipt between the suspect and the victim worth IDR 100 million, and four bank statements in the name of the victim Ferry.

Then, a letter of receipt worth IDR 150 million, and one sheet of proof of registration for a candidate for cadets for the South Lampung Police with the initials PPP. (*)