• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

The Lampung National Road Management Agency Calls All Roads in Lampung Repaired

Jumat, 24 Maret 2023 - 09.04 WIB

Photo: Illustration.

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Lampung Province National Road Implementation Agency said that currently they are repairing all the damaged national roads. Improvements were made to support the smooth flow of Eid homecoming in 2023.

Head of the National Road Implementation Center for Lampung Province, Rien Marlia said, all national road segments which are the responsibility of the Lampung National Road Implementation Center have been contracted with service providers to carry out repairs.

"Currently service providers are repairing all national roads. The repairs include closing potholes," said Rien, Thursday, March 23, 2023.

He revealed, the repairs were carried out with the hope that when the 2023 Eid homecoming season, the national road sections in the Lampung Province area will be functional, and ready to serve the people who will be going home to their respective villages.

"We are trying to repair the points spread along national roads where there are potholes or damage. We are trying our best to support the homecoming route," he said.

He explained, his party also plans to set up Eid posts on several national roads.

"For Eid al-Fitr posts, it will start from Bakauheni-Sribhawono, Bukit Kemuning-South Sumatra border and Bengkunat-Sanggi or Bengkulu border," he explained.

Meanwhile, motorists and residents complained about potholes on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Sepang Jaya, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung.

The potholes are almost 20 cm deep, making it very dangerous for passing motorists.

"It's very dangerous, bro, it's really deep. If you can't see the rain, the motorbike passing by can fall over," said local resident, Gopur when met at the location, Thursday, March 23, 2023.

Gopur said that he had often seen two-wheeled riders brake suddenly so as not to enter a pothole. In fact, he continued, there were also motorbike riders who fell because their front wheels fell into holes.

"Very often, motorists suddenly brake suddenly. There are also motorbike riders who fall because their front tires enter a hole. Especially when it's raining, all you see is a puddle. Two days ago a car was hit from behind because it braked suddenly to avoid a hole," he said .

He hopes that the potholes on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta can be patched and repaired soon because it is one of the busiest roads in the Lampung region.

"Just this, some residents have taken the initiative to fill up potholes using makeshift stones after the incident when a car was hit from behind yesterday," he added.

Bagas, a motorcyclist, admits that he often feels anxious when crossing Jalan Soekarno Hatta Sepang Jaya because of the many holes in the road.

"If you pass here you have to be careful because you can hit a pothole and fall. The problem is sometimes the holes on the road don't appear to be covered with puddles. Where are these holes really deep," said Bagas.

He hopes that the potholes will be repaired by the relevant parties as soon as possible because it is very dangerous for motorists.

"Hopefully it will be repaired quickly because it's dangerous especially at night. Sometimes we have to suddenly brake suddenly because the vehicle in front also stops suddenly. Want to avoid going to the side of the road, afraid of a vehicle from behind," he concluded. (*)

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