• Senin, 02 September 2024

Trapped in Debt, the Boss of a Building Shop in Lampung Indonesia Robs a Bank

Senin, 20 Maret 2023 - 08.34 WIB

Heri Gunawan, 42 years old. Photo: Documents/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Heri Gunawan, 42 years old, owner of the 'Logam Jaya' building shop in Natar, South Lampung, was determined to rob the Arta Kedaton Makmur People's Credit Bank on Jalan Laksamana Malahayati I, South Telukbetung, Bandar Lampung, because he was in debt of tens of millions rupiah.

Dodi, 35 years old, a sales supplier of building materials to Heri Gunawan's shop, said that the shop owner still has a debt of IDR 25 million related to the purchase of building materials. Heri Gunawan is a resident of East Tanjungkarang, Bandar Lampung.

Dodi admitted that he was very shocked and surprised when he received the news that Heri Gunawan was arrested for planning to rob a bank. "I was shocked, so I went to the perpetrator's shop to check whether the information was correct," said Dodi when met at Heri Gunawan's shop, on Saturday, March 18, 2023.

Dodi revealed that his party did not expect that Heri Gunawan would be so determined to rob BPR Arta Kedaton Makmur. In fact, for the past two years the payment of his debt has been going smoothly. "Now I'm confused where to ask for this debt?" said Dodi.

Apart from Dodi, it turns out that several salespeople have also visited Heri Gunawan's shop to collect debts. Dodi said, from morning to evening there had been 3 salesmen coming to Heri Gunawan's shop to collect debts on building materials.

"There were about three people who had come. There were those who collected debts of IDR 25 million, IDR 30 million, and there were also those who collected IDR 45 million," he said.

The shopkeeper for dolls and toys next to a shop owned by Heri Gunawan, Nia, 25, said that she last saw Heri Gunawan on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 when she deposited her shop key.

Nia admits that she rarely communicates or meets directly with Heri Gunawan. He only communicated with a few employees at the store.

"There are a total of 4 employees. Some take care of the children. I rarely see them. So far it's been fine. That's why I didn't expect him to do such a reckless thing," he said.

Based on Kupas Complete monitoring, the building shop owned by Heri Gunawan has an area of around 200 square meters painted green and the gate is painted yellow.

Dwi, Heri Gunawan's neighbor, said that so far Heri Gunawan had been doing well. So, he did not think that he would dare to rob a bank.

Dwi said that Heri Gunawan had several vehicles and it looked like people had them. "I often see more than one car, then this shop also has 4 employees," he said.

Dwi explained, on Friday 17 March 2023, Heri Gunawan's shop was still open, but only until noon. "Friday morning the shop is still open, his wife and children are still there. But at noon it is closed. Usually this shop is open every day except Sunday," he said.

Irma, another neighbor, said that after the BPR Arta Kedaton Makmur robbery, Heri Gunawan's building shop looked deserted and was locked tightly. Irma said that she had seen several sales of building material suppliers coming to Heri Gunawan's shop but returned home because it was closed.

The Director of General Crimes for the Lampung Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Reynold EP Hutagalung said, based on the results of the investigation, the perpetrator named Heri Gunawan was known to be of Chinese descent.

Reynold revealed that, based on the results of the initial investigation, the perpetrator's motive for wanting to rob a bank was due to economic problems. They are still investigating the real motive.

"So the initial motive was economic, this perpetrator admitted that it was difficult to get a job and make a living. But we are still investigating the perpetrator's motives because now he is still being treated intensively at Bhayangkara Hospital," he explained.

Reynold said that since 8 years ago, the perpetrator has become a drug addict. "We have confirmed with the family, it turns out that 8 years ago the perpetrator was indeed using drugs and is undergoing rehabilitation to date. The perpetrator is still suspected of being addicted to drugs," he said.

The perpetrator was secured with evidence of a red Honda Vario motorbike and two revolver and glock types of guns. There is also evidence in the form of a drug suction device or bong, a sickle sickle and a bayonet.

"The perpetrator Heri Gunawan was subject to Article 365 paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code with the threat of life imprisonment or the death penalty. We also apply Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 concerning Possession of Firearms," he explained.

Bandar Lampung Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Ino Harianto explained, during the interrogation the perpetrator admitted that later the proceeds of the crime would be purchased for putaw and spree type narcotics.

Ino explained, in the bank robbery, the perpetrator Heri Gunawan was assisted by two of his colleagues who are now on the run. "So there are three perpetrators in total, and two other perpetrators have fled and are being hunted. Those arrested are the main perpetrators," he said.

Ino explained that the other two actors who fled acted as supervisors of the situation around the scene of the incident.

"The other two perpetrators each rode a motorcycle, so they used two motorbikes. They acted to monitor the situation. So if successful, the main perpetrators immediately fled to one of their colleagues who was on standby," he said.

The police are still conducting an investigation to uncover the origin of the gun used by the perpetrator. Ino revealed, during the robbery, the perpetrator took IDR 300 million from a bank security guard but his actions were thwarted by bank employees.

"So the money that the perpetrators took was IDR 300 million, but it was thwarted and taken back by bank employees," he explained.

Ino explained, the perpetrators had been stalking Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur for the last few days before carrying out their actions.

"So before carrying out their action this morning, these perpetrators had observed, scouted and mapped the processes for withdrawing money at the bank for several days," said Ino.

Ino explained, in the robbery there were three victims including the Arta Kedaton Makmur People's Credit Bank security guard, Tito Alexander 36 years old, who suffered a gunshot wound to the left side of the abdomen.

Then, 41-year-old Kismanto suffered gunshot wounds to his right abdomen and right hand. Then, 42-year-old Hance Chandra suffered a gunshot wound to the right chest.

The robbery of Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur on Friday 17 March 2023 at around 09.00 AM went viral on social media. In the video, Heri Gunawan is seen wearing a mask wearing a white shirt and blue cloth pants pointing a gun at a security guard who is carrying a bag filled with money when he is about to enter the office.

Seeing the perpetrator pointing a firearm, the security guard immediately ran into the bank office. Then, the perpetrator chased the security guard into the office.

The perpetrator and the security guard were involved in tugging at the bag filled with money. The perpetrator then fired a shot at the security guard until he fell down while holding the part of his stomach that was hit by the shot.

Furthermore, the perpetrator took a bag filled with money to escape from the bank office. However, a bank employee grabbed the perpetrator from behind until he fell. In the end, the perpetrator was caught. The perpetrator then tied his hands while lying on his stomach. The perpetrator suffered serious injuries to his face as a result of being punched and kicked.

Three victims, namely a security guard and a bank employee, who received gunshot wounds are now being treated in intensive care at the emergency room at Budi Medika Hospital. One victim had to undergo surgery to remove a bullet lodged in his chest. (*)