• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

There are 38 Underdeveloped Villages in Indonesia's Lampung Province, Here are the Locations

Minggu, 19 Maret 2023 - 17.56 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Lampung Province Village Community Empowerment and Transmigration Service (PMDT) noted that currently in the local area there are still 38 villages that fall into the disadvantaged category.

PMDT Head of Lampung Province Zaidirina, said that the villages that fall into the lagging category are spread over eight regions. Among them are East Lampung, South Lampung, Mesuji, Pesisir Barat, Tanggamus, Way Kanan, North Lampung and Tulang Bawang.

"In 2019 there were almost 1,000 villages left behind in Lampung out of a total of 2,400 villages. Now we have 2,446 villages and only 38 villages are left behind, there are no very disadvantaged villages. And this year our target for underdeveloped villages is finished," he said when asked for information, Sunday (19/3/2023).

He explained that the underdeveloped villages in South Lampung Regency are in the village of Baru Ranji, in North Lampung they are in the village of Gunung Keramat and Banjar Negeri in Tulang Bawang is in the villages of Karya Cipta Abadi, Bumi Sari and Sungai Burung.

"Furthermore, in Tanggamus Regency, they are in the villages of Karang Brak, Tirom, Sinar Jawa. In East Lampung, they are in the villages of Labuhan Ratu Danau, Sumber Marga, Batu Badak, and Peniangan in Way Kanan are in the villages of Gunung Cahya and Way Limau," he explained.

Furthermore, in Mesuji, they are in the villages of Mulya Sari, Wiralaga I, Wiralaga II, Sidang Muara Jaya, Sungai Sidang, Labuhan Batin, Kagungan Dalam, Sri Tanjung and Tanjung Harapan.

While in Pesisir Barat Regency they are in the villages of Marang, Buwi Waras, Pajar Bulan, Bandar Jaya, Batu City, Mulang Maya, Negeri Ratu Ngaras, Padang Alam, Pardasuka, Rajabasa, Bandar Dalam, Siring Gading, Way Haru and Way Tias.

"Based on a presidential regulation, an area is determined to be left behind, judging from the people's economy, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, regional financial capacity, accessibility and regional characteristics," he explained.

He explained that if the Lampung Provincial Government continues to be optimistic the number of underdeveloped villages can continue to decrease. One of them is by making the most of the existence of the State Revenue Expenditure Budget (APBN) through the Village Fund to the Provincial and Regency Regional Revenue Expenditure Budgets (APBD).

"To get out of underdeveloped villages, one of the most important things is the existence of village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) and in Lampung 95 percent of the villages have BUMDes. The existence of BUMDes can support village independence," he said.

In addition, the Lampung Provincial Government also has a Smart Village program that makes the village digitally literate. Such as paying motor vehicle tax and land and building tax through BUMDes.

"And this has all been done by several BUMDes in Lampung which can serve tax payments. In addition, there is also a BUMDes Mart so this provides various basic needs for the surrounding community," he said.

Confirmed separately Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPRD Lampung Province, Mikdar Ilyas explained, in order for a village to become self-sufficient, one thing that must be fought for is economic independence.

"Villages can take advantage of existing natural resources. For example, it is close to the sea or mountains, so it can be used as a tourist spot that can increase income. But of course this must have assistance from the local government," he said.

In addition, the village can also take advantage of the existence of village funds to create new economic sources so that the village can develop and the surrounding community can prosper.

"Village funds should not be fully used for infrastructure improvements, because there is a portion. So the focus must also be on improving the economy so that the people will prosper," he said. (*)