Member of the Lampung West Coast Voting Committee Allegedly a Political Party Cadre

Photo: Illustration, Lampung English - The Election Supervisory Board for the West Coast Regency found members of the Voting Committee indicated as members or cadres of political parties.
Chairman of the Election Supervisory Board for the West Coast General Election, Heri Kiswanto said the findings regarding members of the Voting Committee who were still members of a political party were based on the results of a sweep and monitoring conducted by the Ngambur District Supervisor.
"So from the search it was found that there were indications that one member of the Voting Committee was registered as a member of a political party and this had violated the rules," said Heri when confirmed by, Friday (17/03/2023).
Then the alleged violations based on the results of the investigation and clarification of findings are set forth in report no. 010/LHO/PM.01.00/III/2023 regarding election violations as stipulated in General Election Commission Regulation Number 8 of 2023 article 43.
"One of the points is that members of the Voting Committee can be dishonorably dismissed if they no longer meet the requirements, then there is a General Election Commission Regulation Number 36 of 2018 regarding the establishment of an Adhoc body. One of the points of the election organizers is that they are not involved in political parties," he said.
Then if the election organizer has become a member of a political party, then he must resign for at least 5 years and not become an election campaign team, before becoming a member of the election organizer as evidenced by a letter of resignation from the party. and campaign team.
"Based on the findings and studies that we are currently carrying out, we will later coordinate with the General Elections Commission to follow up immediately, so that the regional election stages can proceed as they should," he explained.
Meanwhile, the Chief Supervisor for the Ngambur Subdistrict, Hendra said, the member of the Voting Committee who was indicated to be involved in the political party came from Ulok Mukti Village, the findings were a report from the public.
“Then based on the results of the search it was true that he had been a member of a political party and it was not even five years since he had resigned from his membership. We have also asked for information from the person concerned and he admitted it," said Hendra.
Regarding this problem, his party then sent a letter of recommendation for the dishonorable dismissal concerned to the General Election Commission through the West Coast Election Supervisory Body, he hoped that the General Election Commission would follow up on this recommendation.
"We certainly hope that the West Coast General Election Commission will immediately determine a Temporary Replacement for those concerned, in accordance with applicable regulations so that the process for the upcoming 2024 Regional Head Election stages goes well in accordance with our mutual expectations," he concluded. (*)
KUPAS TV Video: Lampung Election Supervisory Body Finds 13,147 Unknown Voters
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