• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Lampung Indonesia Election Supervisory Agency Finds Thousands of Unknown Voters

Kamis, 16 Maret 2023 - 08.43 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) of Lampung Province found thousands of unknown and non-local voters during the matching and research (Coklit) stage by voter data updating officers (pantarlih). The number is 23,150 voters.

Lampung Bawaslu Chairman, Iskardo P. Panggar said, his party still encountered a number of problems during the coklit stage carried out by Pantarlih.

The problems found included unknown voters, dead voters but still found in voter data, voters belonging to the Indonesian National Armed Forces/Police, voters who were not local residents and several other problems.

"During field monitoring, Bawaslu found 13,147 unknown voters, 10,003 non-local voters and 719,144 voters in the wrong placement of the Voting Places (TPS)," said Iskardo, Wednesday (15/3/23).

Iskardo explained that as many as 719,144 voters misplaced TPS as a result of identification of voters who had problems and did not meet the requirements.

 "Voters in the wrong TPS placement were spread across 15 regencies/cities. The highest order was Central Lampung Regency with 282,829 voters, followed by South Lampung with 120,545 and Bandar Lampung with 93,573 voters," he explained.

Furthermore, East Lampung Regency 71,875 voters, West Tulang Bawang 62,778, Pesawaran 14,095, North Lampung 7,377, Pesisir Barat 6,239, Tanggamus 4,169, Tulang Bawang 1,500, West Lampung 1,345, Mesuji 662, and Way Kanan with 52,157 voters. There are only two areas where there are no problems, namely Metro and Pringsewu.

He explained that his party also found they could not show a copy of the SK pantarlih at 317 TPS, did not convey the results of the polls to PPS at 153 TPS, did not communicate via video call or see the suitability of the face with the photo on the Resident Id-Card (e-KTP) document and the voter's family could not show a copy of the e-KTP. KTP at 118 TPS.

"Bawaslu also found that there were coklit not according to the predetermined schedule at 69 TPS, did not record voter data that met the requirements but had not been registered on the voter list at 68 TPS, and did not record voter data that had changed status from TNI/Police status as evidenced by show the decree on dismissal as a member of the TNI/Polri at 45 TPS," he explained.

The Coordinator of the Lampung Bawaslu Prevention and Parmas Division, Karno Ahmad Sataria added, during the surveillance, they also found problematic coklit stickers in a number of areas.

"We found this in the field, the sticker was not attached tightly to the door or other parts that were installed by Pantarlih, and there was a coklit sticker column that was not filled in completely by Pantarlih," he said.

According to him, Coklit stickers that do not have the signature of the head of the family, and others will certainly have an impact on things that are not desirable.

"Other findings occurred in Metro City, based on the results of surveillance and when carrying out surveillance patrols on March 13-14 2023 there were 105 families who had not conducted coklit," he explained.

Meanwhile, he continued, the local KPU as of March 12, 2023 stated that the coklit had been 100% complete. After conducting a sampling test, there were 199 potential voters on the Family Card who had not been picked.

"Regarding this, the Metro City Bawaslu has submitted a letter of recommendation in the form of suggestions for matching and re-examination," he continued.

Karno explained, in Way Kanan Regency, there is a register area in Negara Batin Subdistrict, namely Bumi Jaya Village, Karya Jaya and Gisting Jaya as many as 100 families have e-KTP and KK, but when doing the checking the people were not in place because they were in the garden.

However, continued Karno, the local KPU was still considered eligible. For this reason, the Way Kanan Bawaslu is coordinating with the local KPU to provide suggestions for cross-checking the data so that it can be declared accurate.

The chairman of the Lampung Province General Election Commission (KPU), Erwan Bustami, when contacted, said the function of the coklit was to find out whether the list of potential voters obtained from the RI KPU in coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs had any changes or not.

"Coklit is one of them to find out whether the voter list is correct or not. Wait for those who have placed the wrong TPS to be able to move TPS," said Erwan, Wednesday (15/3/23).

Erwan revealed that there are still further steps to the establishment of the Final Voters List (DPT) in June.

"After being coklit, it will be compiled into a temporary voter list (DPS), after that there will be input so that it becomes an improved DPS. After that, Saru is set to become a DPT," he said.

Erwan expressed his gratitude to Bawaslu for the note of findings so that it became the basis for improvement.

"If he's already on the DPT there are still findings, so that's just a problem, but this is still in the process. Coklit is to ensure the population administration documents what is owned is matched whether it is suitable or not," he said.

Erwan emphasized that until now the KPU has not received an official letter from Bawaslu regarding these findings. "Yes, that's just the statement, there has been no official letter to the KPU," he said.

Erwan explained, currently he is in the stage of compiling the voter list until March 28 2023. After that it will be recapitulated into a provisional voter list, so that it can be designated as DPT in June 2023. (*)

This news has been published in the Kupas Tuntas daily newspaper edition of Thursday 16 March 2023 with the title "Bawaslu Lampung Finds Thousands of Unknown Voters"