• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Strange Phenomena, Thousands of Millipedes Invade Walur Residents in Pesisir Barat Indonesia

Selasa, 14 Maret 2023 - 10.29 WIB

Millipedes that enter the settlement of Walur residents, South Krui District, Pesisir Barat District. Photo: Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Pesisir Barat - The people of Walur Village, South Krui District, Pesisir Barat Regency are worried about the appearance of thousands of millipedes that enter residents' settlements.

Head of Walur Village, Yoyon Yupriza, said that the phenomenon of millipedes attacking the residents' settlements had occurred several days ago.

In fact, based on records, there were already approximately 50 houses that were attacked by the pest. Residents also made various efforts to deal with the animal attack, including by spraying insecticides so that the millipedes died.

"We don't know where it came from, but this has been happening for the past few days. The residents have made various efforts to exterminate these animals, both with insect poisons and other things, but they are still there," he said, Monday (13/ 03/2023).

His party immediately coordinated with related parties regarding the phenomenon that occurred and hoped that there would be a way out of the problem, even though it did not cause an impact on the human body, the existence of tens of millipedes was quite troubling.

"Later we will try to coordinate with related parties for a way out, because even though it is not dangerous it is quite disturbing if it continues like this," he said.

Roni, a local resident, said that this phenomenon had been occurring for the past three weeks. Although initially the number of millipedes was not too many, now their existence is increasing and causing concern to local residents.

"As for the impact on the body, there doesn't seem to be any, only if this is turned off it emits an unpleasant odor which is quite disturbing too. Moreover, this has entered the house and even crawled up the walls of the rooms," he said.

The existence of these millipedes is mostly in residents' gardens and coming out of the ditch to enter the house. Especially when it rains, the number of animals increases with sizes ranging from the size of a little finger to an adult's thumb.

"Most of us destroy it with insect poison, if we don't sweep it, we poison it more because sometimes if we just sweep it, it will come back again, so we just destroy it by poisoning it or killing it," he explained.

He hopes that there will be a solution from the government regarding the existence of this ridiculous animal, because the residents are quite worried about the presence of hundreds to thousands of millipedes.

The Head of the West Coast Food Security and Agriculture Service, Unzir said, regarding the phenomenon of thousands of millipedes entering residential areas, his party had not received any reports from the public.

"However, if this phenomenon turns into a disaster, that is the realm of Regional Disaster Management Agency, but if it has something to do with plants, then it is only the realm of agriculture," said Unzir, when contacted by Kupastuntas.co, Monday (13/03/2023) afternoon.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Pesisir Barat District Disaster Management Agency, Mirza Sahri, could not be reached for comment regarding this phenomenon. (*)