The Lampung Regional Police Searched the East Lampung State Land Agency's Office

The Lampung Regional Police and the East Lampung Regional Police search the East Lampung BPN Office, Monday (13/3/2023). Photo: Special, Lampung English - The Lampung Regional Police Criminal Investigation Directorate and the East Lampung Police conducted a search at the East Lampung National Land Agency Office, Monday 13 March 2023, which was a follow-up to the investigation into the Margatiga Dam corruption.
The search was led by Kasubdit III Ditreskrimsus Polda Lampung, Police Commissioner Yustam Dwi Heno together with the Head of the East Lampung Police Criminal Unit, Iptu Johanes EP Sihombing and accompanied by the Head of the East Lampung State Land Agency, Joni Imron.
"This is a follow-up to the investigation into the Margatiga Dam corruption case, which we have carried out according to Standard Operating Procedures," said Yustam.
During the search, his party confiscated several files related to the construction of the Margatiga Dam, namely administration related to the procurement of inundated land for the Margatiga Dam.
"We hope that this case will be completed without a hitch. Therefore, we are taking it seriously," he said.
Meanwhile, Johanes EP Sihombing added, the search was carried out with the Lampung Regional Police because the handling of the case was carried out in a Joint Investigation manner.
"This means handling cases jointly, in this case the Ditreskrimsus Polda Lampung and Polres East Lampung," he said. (*)
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