• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Realization of Investment in Lampung Indonesia 9.3 Trillion Rupiah, the Food Industry is the Largest Contributing Sector

Minggu, 12 Maret 2023 - 16.30 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Investment and One-Stop Service Office of Lampung Province noted that investment in Lampung in 2022 was realized at IDR 9.365 trillion from the target set at IDR 11 trillion.

The Head of the Lampung Province Investment Service, Yudhi Alfadri, explained that the investment realization consisted of Domestic Investment of IDR 5.81 trillion with a total of 2,163 projects. Meanwhile, foreign investment amounted to IDR 3.65 trillion with a total of 435 projects.

"Realized investment based on the area of Bandar Lampung City made the largest contribution, namely IDR 4.04 trillion, followed by South Lampung IDR 1.26 trillion, Central Lampung IDR 1.06 trillion, North Lampung IDR 772 billion and Way Kanan IDR 522 billion," he said when asked for a statement, Sunday (12/3/2023).

Meanwhile, for investment realization by sector, where the food industry sector contributed the largest, namely IDR 3.53 trillion, followed by the warehouse transportation and telecommunications sector IDR 1.2 trillion, the residential, industrial and office sector sector IDR 530 billion.

"For foreign investment, the largest investment realized was Singapore, amounting to IDR 1.36 trillion, with the largest investment in the telecommunications sector amounting to IDR 537 billion, followed by the Netherlands, British virgin island, Malaysia and Australia," he explained.

Furthermore, for the absorption of labor in investment in 2022, there were 10,405 people consisting of 10,389 Indonesian workers and 16 foreign workers.

"We hope that companies can report their investments regularly in the Investment Activity Report (LKPM). So that next year our target of IDR 11 trillion can be realized," he said.

Meanwhile, Assistant Director of Bank Indonesia for Lampung Province, Tri Setyoningsih, explained that there are at least five investment project proposals in Lampung by 2023.

The five projects are Bakauheni Harbor City (BHC), Agripark Bandar Lampung, Geothermal Way Ratai, Tanggamus Industrial Area and Waste to Energy TPA Bakung.

"To be able to realize all of these investment project proposals, one of the important things to do is to ensure clean and clear land so that investors don't have to think anymore about being able to realize their investment," he said. (*)