The Ministry of Law and Human Rights Lampung Holds Socialization of Political Parties in 2023

Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Lampung, Sorta Delima Lumban Tobing, during his remarks, at Swiss-belhotel Lampung, Friday (10/3/2023). Photo: Erik/, Bandar Lampung - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Lampung Province held a socialization of political parties for the 2023 fiscal year, which was held at Swiss-belhotel Lampung, Friday 10 March 2023.
The activity with the theme "Realizing Data Synchronization of Office Addresses and Management of Political Parties at the Provincial Level" was opened directly by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Lampung Province, Sorta Delima Lumban Tobing.
In his activity report, Alpius Sarumaha, the Head of the Legal and Human Rights Service Division of the Lampung Provincial Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, said that 150 participants attended the socialization consisting of representatives from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Lampung, the National Unity and Politics Agency of Lampung Province.
Then the Bandar Lampung City National Unity and Political Agency, the General Election Commission of Lampung Province, the General Election Commission of Bandar Lampung City, the Election Supervisory Board for Lampung Province and the Election Supervisory Board for Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Provincial Political Parties and Online Media.
Also present were the representatives of the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Lampung, who were represented by Deputy Chair for the Creative Economy and Digital Economy Donald Harris Sihotang, Deputy Secretary for Internal Affairs Apriliati and Deputy Secretary for the Siska Program.
Alpius explained, the purpose of this socialization activity was as a means of coordination between agencies regarding policies in the field of political parties, especially in collecting data on office addresses and management of political parties at the provincial level.
"Meanwhile, the aim is to create accurate and accountable data on office addresses and management of political parties at the provincial level between the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, related agencies and political parties," Alpius explained.
Meanwhile, in his remarks, Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Lampung Province, Sorta Delima Lumban Tobing said, political parties are a forum for political recruitment in the sense of preparing candidates for legislative members, pairs of regional heads and deputy regional heads, president and vice president.
At the same time, he continued, increasing people's political participation and creating a conducive climate in elections is a challenge for election management bodies, political parties and regional governments in order to maintain national unity and integrity.
According to him, given the important role of political parties, political parties need to pay attention to legal entity status, management changes, including updating office addresses, stages and schedules for holding elections, to facilitation and coaching of the political parties themselves.
"Therefore, today the Lampung Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is holding socialization activities regarding services in the field of political parties, as an effort to strengthen the role and function of political parties as pillars of democracy in Indonesia, as well as provide an understanding of the stages of holding elections in order to make elections successful." in 2024," said Sorta.
The resource persons in this socialization activity included, Sub Coordinator of Advocacy for Legal Opinions of Political Parties, Directorate of State Administration, Pranudio; Chairman of the General Election Commission of Lampung Province, Erwan Bustami; Head of Domestic Politics of the National Unity Agency and Regional Politics of Lampung Province, Heriza Kurniawan. (*)
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