Bandar Lampung Indonesia Education Office Prevents Bullying Through Child-Friendly Schools

Bandar Lampung Indonesia Education Office Prevents Bullying Through Child-Friendly Schools. Photo: Illustration, Bandar Lampung - The Bandar Lampung City Education Office, Lampung Province, Indonesia is trying to prevent bullying in schools through child-friendly schools.
Head of the Institutional Section of the Bandar Lampung Education and Culture Office, Mulyadi Syukri said, the child-friendly school is formal and non-formal in order to create an environment that respects children and avoids discrimination.
He explained, the purpose of establishing this child-friendly school was to prevent violence against children, so that they are used to a positive environment.
According to him, there are 270 child-friendly schools in Bandar Lampung, consisting of 80 TK/PAUD, then 123 elementary schools, then 60 junior high schools, and 5 madrasahs.
"In Bandar Lampung, a child-friendly school has been running, so we have conveyed this to the school, there should be no bullying of all kinds," said Mulyadi, Thursday, March 9, 2023.
Even though the Bandar Lampung Education and Culture Office has made efforts to create child-friendly schools, according to him, the role of parents at home is far more important in educating children to avoid bullying and bullying.
"Currently the development of technology is very fast, but indeed we have a child-friendly school program where the role of teachers and schools is to provide education to students," he stated.
"With the development of technology, we cannot continue to monitor children. If it is for the school environment it can still be handled by the teacher, but if it is outside the school it means that the role of parents must also be higher for children," he added.
Based on the information gathered, some time ago there was a case of hanging, a student with the initials MR 11 years who attended school in Pesanggaran District, Banyuwangi, East Java was found dead at his home.
The police said the cause of the student's suicide was due to depression due to bullying because he was an orphan. (*)
KUPAS TV Video: First Lady Iriana Jokowi Work Visit to Lampung Province
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