• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Realization of Lampung Indonesia State Expenditure Revenue Budget 2022 IDR 11 Trillion

Kamis, 09 Maret 2023 - 09.33 WIB

Photo: Illustration

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The regional office of the Directorate General of Treasury in Lampung noted that the realization of State Revenue and Expenditure Budget receipts in Lampung Indonesia reached IDR 11.38 trillion or 117.68 percent of the 2022 ceiling.

This value grew by 17.42 percent from the previous year which was recorded at IDR 9.69 trillion or 109.44 percent of the ceiling.

"Realized revenue from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget of IDR 11.38 trillion or 117.68 percent of this ceiling is mostly sourced from tax revenues," said the Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury in Lampung, M Dody Fachrudin, when asked for a statement, Wednesday 8 March 2023.

As Dody explained, the value of the tax revenue was IDR 10.18 trillion, while that of Non-Tax State Revenue was IDR 1.20 trillion. So that most of the APBN is contributed from tax revenues which reach 89.48 percent.

Based on data from the Regional Offices of the Directorate General of Treasury in Bengkulu and Lampung, the contribution of the highest tax sector in 2022, namely the wholesale and retail trade, repair and maintenance of cars and motorbikes, reached IDR 1.88 trillion.

"The Covid-19 pandemic, which has subsided and increased mobility, has revived the trade sector," he said.

Meanwhile, the realization of total spending in the 2022 State Budget is IDR 29.96 trillion, consisting of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds spending IDR 21.13 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 21.18 trillion or 99.74 percent of the ceiling.

"Then, central government spending amounted to 8.82 trillion of the ceiling of 9.15 trillion or 96.41 percent of the ceiling, then the realization of central government expenditure was Rp. 9.15 trillion or 96.41 percent," he explained.

The details are Rp. 3.75 trillion for personnel spending, Rp. 3.26 trillion for goods spending, Rp. 1.77 trillion for capital spending, and Rp. 32 billion for social assistance.

Then the realization of Transfer spending to the Regions and Village Funds is IDR 29.96 trillion or 99.74 percent with the following details, general allocation funds IDR 12.02, profit-sharing funds IDR 1.1 trillion, special physical allocation funds IDR 1.77 trillion, special allocation funds non-physical IDR 3.80 trillion, regional incentive funds IDR 110 billion, and village funds IDR 2.33 trillion.

According to him, from this data, the realization of spending on the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget in Lampung for 2022 is above the set target.

Dody admitted that the realization of minimal spending did not automatically lead to a decrease in the total allocation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget given by the central government to the regions.

"Because the allocation of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget is given by the central government to the regions based on program activities proposed by the regions and the results of discussions between the Ministry of Finance, Bappenas and Technical taking into account national priority activities," he explained.

Dody added, the factors causing the low realization of State Revenue and Expenditure Budget spending in Lampung were caused, among others, by the delay in issuing the Decrees of treasury officials and goods and services officials, resulting in delays in budget execution.

Furthermore, the contract for the pre-Budget Implementation Checklist and acceleration of capital expenditure at the beginning of the year has not been maximized. As well as the satker is still in the process of submitting ups while the ups submitted have not been revolving. And finally, there is a budget ceiling that is still blocked due to government policies and administrative requirements that have not been met.

"Thus accelerating the appointment of treasury officials as well as goods and services officials, so that budget allocations can be executed or realized immediately. In addition, optimizing contracts before the Budget Execution Checklist and accelerating capital expenditures at the beginning of the year," said Dody.

According to him, the realization of spending in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget had an impact on Lampung's economic growth. Where the realization of the Lampung State Revenue and Expenditure Budget spending in 2022 was 98.74 percent, having a positive impact on economic growth in 2022 of 4.28 percent. (*)

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