• Sabtu, 15 Maret 2025

Lampung Provincial Government Distributes 170 Female Ongole Cattle to 17 Livestock Groups

Kamis, 09 Maret 2023 - 14.37 WIB

The Provincial Government of Lampung is procuring Ongole Peranakan cows with a budget value of IDR 2.38 billion. Photo: Ria/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - The Provincial Government of Lampung through the Livestock and Animal Health Service in 2022 has procured Ongole Peranakan female cattle with a budget value of IDR 2.38 billion.

Head of Livestock and Animal Health Service for Lampung Province, Lili Mawarti said, the winner of the tender for the procurement of the female Ongole Peranakan cattle was CV. RATU MAS INTEN, whose address is at Jalan Purnawirawan, Langkapura, Bandar Lampung.

"A total of 170 cows were given to 17 livestock groups spread across 9 regencies, where each group received 10 head of assistance," said Lili, when questioned, Thursday 9 March 2023.

He detailed, the assistance was given to livestock groups in Central Lampung Regency 1 group, Mesuji 2 groups, West Tulangbawang 1 group, Pesawaran 1 group, Tulang Bawang 3 groups, North Lampung 1 group, South Lampung 2 groups, Way Kanan 2 groups and Lampung East 4 groups.

"Cattle groups that receive assistance also have requirements. For example, the recipient group is a group assisted by the agency in charge of the district's livestock and animal health functions. Then the group has been registered with Simluhtan or has a register number," he explained.

Then the group has land or facilities for livestock pens and planting Green Animal Feed, has a clear organizational structure, has Statutes and Bylaws, group administrators and group members work as farmers or breeders.

"Then they also have complete group administration, are willing to follow the rules and guidelines set by the district office and the group submits proposals according to livestock commodities," he explained.

Meanwhile, for the livestock assistance distribution system in a grant manner by signing the Regional Goods Grant Agreement and minutes of handover of regional goods grants between the Provincial Government of Lampung and the recipient group.

"The group's own right is to receive assistance of 10 female Ongole Peranakan cattle as a group asset, to manage livestock production in accordance with the agreement on the results of group meetings as outlined in the minutes of group meetings," he explained.

Furthermore, the obligations that must be fulfilled by the group are willing to provide communal pens or colonies, plant forage for fodder, maintain and care for the livestock assistance received, carry out group administration in an orderly manner and report livestock development to the District Office every 6 months.

Lili also explained that there were criteria that had to be fulfilled by the company winning the tender, including that female Ongole breed cattle were declared healthy, accompanied by a Certificate of Animal Health based on clinical symptoms signed by an authorized veterinarian.

Then cattle must be free of Mouth and Hoof disease equipped with Polymerase Chain Reaction results from an authorized laboratory, visually visible cattle, among others, no eye defects, no lame legs, no paralysis, no abnormal nails, normal reproductive organs, no abnormal udders.

"For the local Ongole breed of cattle or crossbreed cattle and cattle originating from the Lampung Province. For the specific criteria, the body color is white to gray, sagging, small hump and has horns, small ears and erect laterally. Livestock age 18 to 24 months and a minimum shoulder height of 115 centimeters," he said.

Lili added, based on the results of monitoring, the cows on average had been artificially inseminated to increase their population. In fact, in several groups, such as in Tulang Bawang, there were already about 4 more pregnant tails and in East Lampung more than 5 pregnant broodstock. (*)

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