• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

The Lampung Indonesian Police Raided the Fuel Stockpiling Warehouse Owned by Police Members in Natar

Selasa, 07 Maret 2023 - 19.23 WIB

The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation for the Lampung Regional Police raided a warehouse for storing fuel oil belonging to police officers in Srikaton Hamlet, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency, Indonesia, Monday (6/3/2023). Foto: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation for the Lampung Regional Police raided a warehouse for storing fuel oil (BBM) belonging to police officers in Srikaton Hamlet, Merak Batin Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency, Indonesia, Monday (6/3/2023).

This was confirmed by the Head of Public Relations at the Lampung Regional Police, Chief Commissioner of Police Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, Tuesday (7/3/2023).

"We received this information based on the results of coordination with the Director of Special Criminal Investigation for the Lampung Regional Police, Chief Commissioner of Police Donny Arief Pratomo," he said.

From the results of the raid, the Lampung Regional Police succeeded in securing evidence in the form of 9 units of reservoirs with a capacity of 1000 Liters, of which 2 reservoirs were empty and 7 reservoirs were filled with oil which was suspected to have been processed to resemble around 7000 Liters of Pertalite fuel.

"Officers also secured two alkon machines, two blue bleaching plastics, one yellow bleaching can, three congs and four buckets," he explained.

Apart from that, the Lampung Regional Police have also examined several witnesses, including the head of the local, Zainal, who explained that the location of the fuel storage warehouse really belonged to a member of the National Police, named Putra.

"Another witness, Dini Frista Harsi, also explained that the warehouse had been operating for about a year and the last activity was one week ago, and the car used was a Colt diesel truck, every time they unloaded there were 2 to 3 people at the location," he added.

Pandra added that for his actions, the alleged warehouse owner was subject to criminal sanctions under Article 54 of RI Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas.

"Anyone who imitates or counterfeits oil and gas fuel, will be sentenced to six years in prison and a fine of IDR 60 billion," he said.

"Against a member of the Police suspected of being the owner of the warehouse, investigators are currently still investigating the Profession and Security Division of the Lampung Police. If proven guilty, we will take firm action," he concluded.

Meanwhile, when confirmed, Donny Arief Pratomo said that the police officer was serving at the Mesuji Police.

"Yes, (police) at the Mesuji Police," he said briefly. (*)