• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

A Number of Boarding Houses in Metro Lampung City were Raided

Selasa, 07 Maret 2023 - 10.45 WIB

The Joint Team sat raided a number of boarding houses in Metro City, Monday 6 March 2023 evening. Photo: Arby/kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Lampung English - Approaching the holy month of Ramadhan, the Civil Service Police Unit of Metro City and their joint team conducted raids on a number of boarding houses and rented houses in the West Hadimulyo Village area, Central Metro District, Monday 6 March 2023 evening.

From the observation of Kupastuntas.co, a joint operation consisting of the Civil Service Police Unit, Community Protection Unit, Village apparatus, Indonesian State Army and the police was also carried out in the context of creating peace, public order and organizing community protection.

The four locations targeted by the joint officers were the area around Pubian Sai Housing, a row of rented houses in RT 011 RW 002, Griya Kost Sabina on Jalan Imam Bonjol RT 010 RW 002 and a boarding house on Jalan Madura 3, RT 005 RW 003 West Hadimulyo Village .

During the raids, the joint officers did not find non-married couples in one room or residents of boarding houses and rented houses who consumed alcohol.

One of the residents of RT 005 RW 003 who declined to be identified admitted that he was worried about the activities of the boarding house residents around the community's residence which often caused noise from night until dawn.

"If you want to raid, you should come here at 04.00 in the morning, many women bring men here at dawn. Yes, it's obviously very disturbing, but what do we want to warn about it, the residents don't want to make a fuss, bro," said one resident.

The resident also revealed that the people in the neighborhood around the boarding house felt disturbed when the occupants consumed liquor and caused noise until dawn.

"If it's 3am at 4am it's noisy, residents can't sleep. They're drinking here, screaming. We really support raids like this, if possible, raids are routine so that the boarding houses there are deterred. Many work in StarOne is boarding there," he said.

West Hadimulyo Urban Village Head, Agus Salim admitted that he had given a warning to a number of boarding house residents whose existence the community complained about.

"I have warned, so there is a boarding house which is inhabited by people who are not residents of West Hadimulyo, I have also warned them not to make noise for the umpteenth time. God willing, in the future it will be safe, there will be no more commotion, said Agus Salim.

The village head even admitted that this was the first time he had received reports from the public who were concerned about the activities of the boarding house occupants, who often caused a commotion.

"Thank God, in Hadimulyo Barat Village, we have never found a couple who is not husband and wife. The boarding houses used for drinking alcohol have not been found so far. Only this report has come in," he said.

Agus Salim also said that his party would again hold raids approaching the holy month of Ramadan 1444 Hijriah.

"It is possible that when I enter the fasting month, we will visit Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas again. We will see from the point of view of their mistakes whether they were fatal or not, if they are fatal, we will have to carry out another joint operation," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Linmas Unit of the Civil Service Police Unit for Metro City, Ismail said, during the raid, his party only found a number of boarding house occupants who had not met the domicile requirements because they had not reported their whereabouts to the RT or RW.

"Things like that we convey to the residents of the boarding house, in order to comply with the existing provisions," he explained.

Ismail revealed that during the raid, non-husband and wife couples were also the target of operations for further guidance.

"So we urge guests to visit according to the curfew, until 10.00 PM. Because according to the Pamong, the RT and RW hours are permitted to visit. Outside these hours we urge them to leave the place," he explained.

In addition, community activities, especially boarding house residents who consume liquor, are also the target of the joint operation.

"There are several Kelurahans where we have found places used by young people, especially those who are still students, we urge them to leave their places and return to their respective homes. There are some that we even call their parents to pick them up at the location. " he said. (*)

KUPAS TV Video: Ahead of Ramadan, a Joint Team Raids a Number of Boarding Houses in Metro City