The Bandar Lampung Social Service is Treating Eight People with Mental Disorders in 2023

The Bandar Lampung Social Service is Treating Eight People with Mental Disorders. Photo: Illustration, Lampung English - The Social Service of the city of Bandar Lampung has received eight people with mental disorders during 2023. Of these, two of them have been picked up by their families.
Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Bandar Lampung City Social Service, Sriwati said, during 2023 her party had received eight people with mental disorders, five of whom had been placed in the Srikandi social institution in Central Lampung.
"Meanwhile, we placed three people at the Harapan Baru halfway house in Bandar Lampung. But yesterday these two people had their families who recognized them, so now they are with their families," said Sriwati, Sunday, March 5, 2023.
He explained that two people who owned this family were named Pak Irsan, who turned out to be Kemiling people. Then another young woman named Adelia who was secured in Gulak-galik, turned out to be her family from the village of Pesawahan, Teluk Betung Selatan District.
"Here the Social Service is more thorough. If there is a person with mental disorders whose condition is neat, then they are not immediately placed in the Srikadi home. Because who knows, he left the house without the knowledge of his family," he explained.
Sriwati admitted that one of the obstacles for her party was not having a rehabilitation center from the government and not having a mental hospital. Because the only mental hospital they have is the one in the aprovince's Penitentiary.
In addition, if his party gets people with mental disorders from residents on the streets who are in an anarchic condition, they want to hurt people.
"Well, this is where we sometimes from the city's social services are quite overwhelmed, because we have to place these people with mental disorders. Because the institutions in Bandar Lampung are all paid, while the Social Service does have cooperation from several institutions, but this cooperation in the sense that the assistance is also annual. Meanwhile, because they have to eat every day, that is what makes it difficult for us," he explained.
Therefore, Sriwati said, her party was working with the Srikandi orphanage in Lamteng. Because they want to accept whatever people with mental disorders are in the Bandar Lampung area.
"But if we want to bring people with mental disorders to Srikandi, we will also have to wait until three or four people are brought beforehand. Due to the limited funds and the long distance," he said. (*)
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