• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

In 2 Months, 13 Disasters Happened in West Lampung

Senin, 06 Maret 2023 - 18.42 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, West Lampung - The West Lampung Regency Government through the Regional Disaster Management Agency noted, in 2 months or from 3 January 2023 to 3 March 2023 there were 13 natural and no-natural disasters that occurred in a number of sub-districts.

The natural disasters that occurred in detail were 3 cases of landslides, 1 case of floods, 6 cases of extreme weather, and 3 cases of non-natural natural disasters. So that there are a total of 13 cases of natural and non-natural disasters.

Head of the West Lampung Regional Disaster Management Agency, Padang Priyo Utomo, said that the regular natural disasters that often occur in Tangguh Disaster Regency are in the form of floods and landslides.

"In the last two months there have been several natural disasters, both small to medium scale and we have made quick response efforts," said Padang when confirmed. Monday, March 6, 2023.

In tackling natural disasters that occur, his party has prepared tactical units in each sub-district, both from Pusdalops, quick reaction team, search and rescue team and task forces in each village to sub-district.

"We cannot predict the weather for 2023, but in anticipating we will look at the weather forecasts officially released by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, because from the beginning of last year January, February to March, Lampung Province is in hit by extreme weather," he explained.

There are a number of areas in Lambar that are prone to landslides, such as in Kubu Perahu Village, Balik Bukit District, then Sukau District borders Oku Selatan, Belalau District, Batu Ketulis District and Sekincau District.

The five sub-districts are disaster-prone locations due to the high intensity of rain and are also surrounded by hilly areas on each side of the road that passes through the area.

When asked about the disaster management budget, Padang said that the Regional Disaster Management Agency did not have a budget for direct disaster management, but there was an operational budget for disaster response.

"However, specifically for disaster management, it may be included in Unexpected Expenditures, but it will go directly to the Regional Financial Management Agency," he concluded.

Head of the West Lampung Regional Financial Management Agency, Ir. Okmal said that the West Lampung Regency Government had prepared an unexpected spending budget of IDR 2.7 billion through the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the 2023 Fiscal Year for disaster management.

The budget will be used for activities that are unusual and unexpected, such as natural and non-natural disaster management, and social disasters.

"With the availability of this budget, we can make anticipatory efforts if a disaster occurs. The budget is IDR 2.7 billion," he said briefly. (*)

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