Declining Quality of Roads in Lampung Due to Over Dimension and Over Load Vehicles Reaches 30 Percent

Photo: Special, Bandar Lampung - One of the factors causing degradation or a decrease in the quality of roads that are easily damaged and perforated is the presence of Over Dimension and Over Load vehicles passing by.
The Head of the Regional Work Unit for the Assistance Task Force, the Lampung National Road Implementation Agency, Ahmad Barden Mogni said, most of the Over Dimension and Over Load vehicles also carried coal.
"If we're not mistaken, one of the coal vehicles that crossed the section from Bengkulu. He passed through the Tataan Building section to Raden Gunawan. Road degradation due to over-dimensional and over-loaded vehicles reached 30 percent," said Barden, when questioned, Monday ( 6/3/2023).
However, if the most severe road damage due to crossing Over Dimension and Over Load vehicles occurred on Jalan Yos Sudarso, Way Lunik, Telukbetung Selatan District, Bandar Lampung City.
"The damage is in the Tataan building, the direction to Tanjung Karang and Raden Gunawan. But the damage is quite severe in Yosudarso Way Lunik. That direction is towards the port, which also has a stockpile," he continued.
Barden hopes that the Department of Transportation as well as the Police can take firm action against coal vehicles and other vehicles that are in Over Dimension and Over Load capacities.
"Our hope is that the Department of Transportation and also the police can be intentional in enforcing the law. Because these Over Dimension and Over Load vehicles are quite influential in causing road damage," he explained.
Head of the Lampung Province Highways and Construction Services Office, Febrizal Levi Sukmana explained, in 2022 yesterday the degradation of provincial roads was at 4 to 6 percent per year.
According to him, road degradation is one of them affected by Over Dimension and Over Load vehicles. Apart from that, for road degradation, it really depends on how big the allocation of road handling funds is budgeted in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget.
"Because the length of the sections to be handled will be even longer, especially for routine road handling. The bigger the budget, the lower the rate of degradation that occurs," said Febrizal.
Therefore, he hopes that vehicles passing on provincial roads can pay attention to the amount of cargo being carried in order to minimize road degradation which is getting bigger.
"We also hope that this company will help handle the roads they often pass using the corporate social responsibility program. One that has done this is Pertamina Geothermal in Ulubelu," he concluded. (*)
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