• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Budgeting IDR 15 Billion for Disaster Management, These Are 7 Disaster-Prone Areas in Lampung

Senin, 06 Maret 2023 - 18.00 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Regional Disaster Management Agency for Lampung Province has prepared funds of IDR 15 billion which will be used to anticipate natural disasters in the local area.

The Head of the Lampung Province Disaster Management Agency, Rudy Sjawal Sugiarto explained, currently the paradigm of disaster management in Lampung Province is more about preparedness and community vigilance, which was originally responsive to be pro-active.

"Furthermore, currently disaster management efforts are more towards education, educating the public, outreach including an early prevention system. So it is necessary to increase capacity and increase education," said Rudy when asked for a statement. Monday, March 6, 2023.

Rudy said that the natural disaster that occurred in Lampung Province was a hydromethodological disaster or climate change. So that common natural disasters occur such as floods, landslides, tornadoes to forest and land fires.

"There are seven disaster-prone areas including West Lampung Regency, West Coast Regency, Pesawaran Regency, South Lampung Regency, East Lampung Regency, Tulang Bawang Regency and Bandar Lampung City. But our Disaster Risk Index has dropped from the previous 145.42 to 141. 47," he said.

Rudy said, his party has a stock of staple foods in the form of fast food such as rice, instant noodles to sardines which are used to buffer stocks sent to regencies or cities.

"We send buffer stocks outside of aid when there is an incident, this is only a buffer or buffer. But if for example an area has a disaster, it will be proposed to add staples outside the buffer," he said.

In addition, the Regional Disaster Management Agency for Lampung Province has provided 30 personnel who are ready 24 hours in the event of a natural disaster and the regency or city government requests assistance.

"But we are proposing the addition of personnel because we anticipate that soon when the wet hydrometeorology will start to subside, it will usually enter the dry season which will impact forest fires, so we need an additional Task Force," said Rudy.

The Regional Secretary of Lampung Province, Fahrizal Darminto asked the Regional Disaster Management Agency in the province, district or city to increase their vigilance during the current rainy season.

"We also have the Bina Marga and Construction Services and the Social Service to both collaborate and be on standby when there is a disaster to directly handle the problem according to their respective duties and functions," said Fahrizal.

Fahrizal explained, each work unit has its own budget that can be postponed for the management of natural disasters that occur.

"Apart from that, there are Unforeseen Expenditure which can be used for urgent matters such as natural disasters. Hopefully, this Unexpected Expenditure will be enough to handle everything when it is needed, but what is clear is that districts or cities already have Unexpected Expenditure standards and must be there for anticipation," he explained. (*)

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