• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Coal Vehicle Raids Will Be Strengthened at the Indonesian Lampung Border

Minggu, 05 Maret 2023 - 19.38 WIB

Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Service, Bambang Sumbogo. Photo: Doc.Kupastuntas.co

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - The Transportation Service of Lampung Province some time ago held a meeting with several coal exporting companies or stockpile owners in the Lampung area.

The Head of the Lampung Province Transportation Agency, Bambang Sumbogo said, during the meeting his party asked all companies to comply with the Circular Letter of the Governor of Lampung regarding coal transportation.

"Some time ago we carried out operations of Over Dimension/Overloading vehicles on toll roads and national roads and it turns out that there are still many Over Dimension/Overloading vehicles, one of which is coal vehicles. We convey to the entrepreneurs that we already have a Governor's Circular Letter which must be obeyed," said Bambang, when questioned. Sunday, March 5, 2023.

Bambang explained, that the meeting was also attended by the Lampung Regional Police Traffic Directorate, the Transportation Service and the Head of the Bandar Lampung City Police, South Lampung Regency, Way Kanan, North Lampung and also Central Lampung.

"Yesterday we also took steps to prepare together with related staff, especially those that are crossed by coal vehicles. It turns out that now there is coal coming from the Lahat area, Tanjung Enim heading to Lampung," he explained.

Bambang revealed that his party agreed to carry out integrated law enforcement or fines for vehicles to minimize road damage which was getting worse due to the frequent passing of coal vehicles.

"It turns out that in the Sutami area there are also several locations for coal stockpile. We will check this there because the permits are not in the province but in the regency/city. So far we are still fine for fines, we will try later at the border, we will strengthen it again," he explained.

According to him, based on Circular Letter of the Governor of Lampung Number 045.2/0208/V.13/2022, coal transport vehicles must be transported by vehicles that have a total permitted weight (JB) of 8 tons with the type of Light Dump Truck vehicle or medium truck vehicle.

Then a series of trucks are not allowed to accompany more than 3 vehicles. In addition, vehicles are only allowed to cross the Lampung Province area from 18.00 WIB to 06.00 WIB.

"Carrying coal is only allowed in diesel vehicles under 8 tons so it won't damage the road and the transportation is only allowed in three sets. We will emphasize that fuso and above do not enter Lampung," he concluded. (*)

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