• Jumat, 07 Februari 2025

Lobster Seed Smuggling From Pesibar Indonesia is Still Rife, Police Secure 6,610 Fry Worth IDR 1 billion

Rabu, 01 Maret 2023 - 08.43 WIB

Lobster seed. Photo: Special

Kupastuntas.co, Pesisir Barat - The smuggling of lobster seeds or fry from Pesisir Barat (Pesibar) Regency of Indonesia is still ongoing. Fishermen choose to catch fry rather than fish because it is more profitable.

Officers from the Pesibar Police Criminal Reserve Unit arrested three perpetrators of smuggling lobster seeds in Kota Jawa Village, Bengkunat District, Pesibar namely DS (24), a resident of Teluk Beringin, Bengkunat District, JS (27), a resident of Pasar Mulya, Pesisir Tengah District, and FI (19), a resident of Pasar Liwa Village, Balik Bukit District, West Lampung.

The Pesibar Police Chief, AKBP Alsyahendra said, the suspect DS was suspected of having often carried out illegal fishing for lobster seeds. In fact, his house was used as a place for packing fry to be sold.

"When the police raided DS's house, they found a box wrapped in black plastic containing lobster seeds in the front room. In this house, three men with the initials DS, JS and FI were also found in the room," said Alsyahendra during an exposure at the local Police, Tuesday (28/2).

The police chief revealed that 6,610 lobster seeds were found from DS's house, various types, namely sand, pearl and jarong lobster seeds with a total value of more than IDR 1 billion.

During the investigation, the DS perpetrator admitted that the lobster seeds belonged to him and his boss with the initial A who was in Pekon Pintau.

The lobster seeds that were secured consisted of 5,500 sand types, 1,050 pearl types and 60 jarong species. JS and FI actors are assigned to be lobster seed counters and receive payments ranging from IDR 100,000 to IDR 150,000 per day.

He explained that the 6,610 lobster seeds would be smuggled out of the province, then sent overseas. Currently the police are still carrying out developments to catch the main perpetrators.

"The perpetrators have been doing this illegal business for 1 year. We urge the public not to carry out illegal fishing in the form of smuggling lobster seeds in the Pesibar area," he said.

The three perpetrators along with evidence were secured at the Pesibar Police for further investigation. The three perpetrators were subject to Article 92 in conjunction with Article 26 paragraph (1) and/or Article 88 in conjunction with Article 16 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 106 of Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 2004 concerning Fisheries and/or Law Number 11 of 2009 2020 concerning Job Creation with a threat of 8 years in prison and a fine of IDR 1.5 billion.

It is known, Pesibar waters are the main habitat for lobster seeds in Lampung Province. Unfortunately, catching lobster seeds is actually a source of income for local fishermen.

DK (29), a resident of Pugung Tampak, Pesisir Utara District, said that in Pesibar waters there are still many lobster seeds. He said fishermen prefer to catch fry rather than fish, because the selling price is higher.

"Catching fish is indeed easier than fry, but in terms of economic value, fry are more promising and profitable," he said.

He said fishermen catch lobster seeds using a tool commonly called a waring. Waring installation process is usually done late in the evening.

"We use waring, a type of net but with very small holes. Waring is given ballast and a light as a marker. The fry will approach the light that is attached to the waring," he explained.

Waring is usually lifted at 04.00 in the morning. The lobster seeds that are caught are immediately sold to collectors. Because fishermen do not have tools to store fry at home.

DK explained that fishermen sell their fry to collectors at a price of IDR 8,000 per head. The fry that are usually sold are of the sand type. "Pearls and other types are hard to catch. Because they are usually at depths of up to 20 meters," he explained.

A fisherman can sell 400-500 lobster seeds in one day. But if you're not lucky, you can only sell around 50 of them.

"If it is calculated by local fishermen, they can get IDR 3.2 million in one day if they get at least 400 lobster seeds. These fry collectors and fishermen will stop operating when there is a large-scale operation by the police. Once it is safe, they will operate again," he said

He continued, the buying and selling of lobster seeds in Pesibar was an open secret. In fact, many fishermen who used to catch fish are now shifting to catching fry.

DK explained, lobster seeds from Pesibar were usually sold to big companies on the island of Java. Then the company will export abroad.

"Several areas that often supply lobster seeds come from the waters of Tanjung Setia, Marang, Siging and Bengkunat. Collectors sell lobster seeds to companies around IDR 10,000-IDR 12,000 per head,” he said. (*)

This news was published in the Kupas Tuntas Daily Newspaper edition on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, with the title "Smuggling of Lobster Seeds from Pesibar is Still Rising"