Three Coal Stockpile Companies in South Lampung Indonesia Do Not Have Permits

Coal stockpile. Photo:, South
Lampung - Three companies engaged in coal stockpile in South Lampung Regency,
are said to not have valid permits.
This was said directly
by the Head of the South Lampung Environment Service Feri Bastian, Monday
"So, the problem
with the stockpile business activities in South Lampung, there are 8 companies
there. The 5 have got permits, the 3 haven't," said Feri.
Ferry continued, the
data was obtained when his party went directly to the location of the coal
stockpile company on February 22, 2023.
"First, Mitra
Inti Serasi Internasional company does not yet have spatial planning and other
permits including from the environmental service. It is in Kaliasin Village,
Tanjung Bintang District," Feri said again.
Second, the Dayanti
Daya Nusantara Limited Liability Company, which is also located in Kali Asin
Village, does not yet have a permit.
"The third is the
Mulyo Joyo Mining Limited Liability Company, Lematang Village, Tanjung Bintang
District. It does not yet have spatial suitability. So, the three companies
operating in the coal stockpile do not yet have permits," said Ferry.
Ferry added that the
three companies that did not yet have permits had already been verbally
informed that they must immediately issue permits.
"All these
permits must be completed including environmental documents, because
environmental documents are a form of reference for processing waste or
pollution caused by stockpiles," explained Ferry.
And, there is already
a circular from the Governor that must complete the requirements including that
there must be a wastewater treatment plant, there must be tree plants and there
must be watering. This must be carried out by business actors.
Asked about sanctions
for companies that are not licensed, Feri said that there are already
regulations governing this matter.
"There are
sanctions, it's clear from us that there are also permits from the Licensing
Service. Because, each agency must have regulations governing the issue of
sanctions regarding permits. In our case, if there is no permit, it must still
be closed because it is considered illegal and there is no permits," said
Feri appealed to all
business actors, especially those engaged in the stockpile sector, to obtain
permits in accordance with applicable laws.
"Because the
Regional Government also does not prohibit investing anywhere, because that is
one of the appeals from the President also that all areas of investment must be
assisted and do not complicate licensing issues. However, business actors must
also cooperate in making all permits that have been determined by law. valid
invitation," said the Head of South Lampung Environment Service. (*)
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