• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Police Arrest Two Drug Dealers of The Methamphetamine Type in a Rented House in Bandar Lampung

Senin, 27 Februari 2023 - 17.33 WIB

Two drug dealers of the methamphetamine type when detained at the Panjang Sector Police, Bandar Lampung. Photo: Martogi/kupastuntas.co.

Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Two young drug dealers of the methamphetamine type were arrested by the police while busy with nyabu in a rented house on the Malacca Strait road, Karang Maritim Village, Panjang District, Bandar Lampung on Friday, 24 February 2023 around 20.00 WIB.

The Head of the Panjang District Sector Police, Kompol M Joni represented by the Long District Police Criminal Investigation Head, Ipda Bastari said, initially his party received information from residents that drug transactions often occurred in the rented house.

"We received information that the rented house often became a drug transaction and a gathering place for narcotics abuse," said Bastari. Monday, 27 February 2023.

The personnel immediately conducted a series of investigations and it was true that the rented house was often used for drug transactions.

"When they arrived at the crime scene, the door to the house was opened and personnel saw two young men sitting engrossed in their seats and it was suspected that they had used methamphetamine," he said.

The two young men, namely Agus Purnomo, 25 years old and Rendi Santoso, 23 years old. Both are dealers and users of methamphetamine.

"When secured, personnel found an empty cigarette box containing six small plastic clip packages containing methamphetamine weighing 1.17 grams lying on the floor in the rented house," he explained.

Now, the two youths along with evidence have been secured and detained at the Panjang Police.

"The two suspects are subject to Article 114 subsidiary 112 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum threat of 5 years in prison," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the suspect Agus Purnomo (25) admitted to getting the illicit goods from his friend with the initials DP who is now the DPO or is in police pursuit.

"One small package is IDR 100,000, I also use methamphetamine," he said. (*)

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