The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Highlights the Rise of Illegal Coal Stockpile in Lampung

Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Endro S. Yahman. Photo: Special., Bandar Lampung - Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Endro S. Yahman, took part in highlighting the rise of illegal coal stockpiles in Lampung Province, especially in Bandar Lampung City and South Lampung Regency. Because this can have an impact on residents affected by Acute Respiratory Inspection disease.
Endro asked the local government to urge illegal coal stockpile owners to immediately take care of permits. This is because the coal stockpile or coal warehouse must be accompanied by environmental document permits such as Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts.
"There is already a regulation that every coal stockpile activity must have environmental document permits such as Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts. The local government must pursue this, because Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts are mandatory. If the closing sanction will have something to do with economic interests. But what is clear is that the coal stockpile must be accompanied by documents on Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts," said the PDI Perjuangan politician. Wednesday, 22 February 2023.
Endro said that the environmental permit that must be owned by a coal stockpile is closely related to the health of the surrounding community.
According to him, the Environment Agency must care about this because in the Environmental Law Number 32 of 2009 it is stated that if there is a pollution case, it can be investigated by Civil Servant Investigators.
Endro explained, during the dry season, coal dust can be carried by the wind and inhaled by the surrounding community. If this goes on for a long time, then people can get Acute Respiratory Inspection disease.
Deputy Chairperson of the Lampung Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yuria Putra Tubarad, advised companies owning coal stockpiles to complete permits before officially operating.
"All businesses must have a permit before operating. Because it is one of our obligations to participate in development in the Lampung area," said Yuria.
Yuria said, currently the process of issuing permits is getting easier. So there is no reason for entrepreneurs not to take care of licensing.
"Nowadays, issuing permits is not difficult anymore, it can even be done online. So we ask them to take care of permits, if there are problems, we will help," he explained.
He suggested to the local government to immediately summon the illegal coal stockpile owners to find a solution so they can operate legally.
“It is better if the local government does not immediately control or force closure. I ask the local government to be wiser. It's best to invite them to a discussion first to find out what the obstacles are," he said.
Meanwhile, residents of Kampung Jambu, Way Lunik Village, Panjang District, Bandar Lampung, complained of dust pollution from burning coal emitted from PT Louis Dreyfus Company's (LDC) chimneys. This coal dust flew into people's homes.
Angga, a resident of Kampung Jambu, Way Lunik Urban Village, revealed that he and other residents were very disturbed by the air pollution from burning coal from PT LDC's CPO factory.
"The coal dust pollution has reached residents' homes. There are 3 Neighborhood Units that have been affected, namely Neighborhood Association 21, Neighborhood Unit 22, and Neighborhood Unit 23. But the most impacted are Neighborhood Units 21 and Neighborhood Unit 23," said Angga.
Angga said, before the residents complained, the company had been operating day and night so it was very disturbing to the surrounding community.
"Especially during the dry season, the coal dust pollution is very visible, even sticking to the walls and scattering on the terraces of residents' houses," he said.
According to Angga. Currently the company operates erratically. However, it often operates at night. He is worried that if coal dust continues to enter the house, it could cause illness, especially shortness of breath.
He hopes that the company can find a solution so that the coal dust pollution does not continue.
"The company should pay more attention to the residents here, because they are close to the company," he added.
Iwan, another resident, said that dust from the remaining coal burning of PT Louis Dreyfus Company often enters residents' homes.
"The dust is indeed flying everywhere. The terrace of the house is often black because of the large amount of coal dust that gets in. So you have to be diligent in sweeping the terrace so that it doesn't get dirty," he said.
He is worried that the dust pollution left over from burning coal could have an impact on children's health. Moreover, the location of the company is in the middle of a residential area, and children often play in the local area.
"It's a pity for the children to inhale the flying coal dust. Sometimes there are also children who have stones. There are even residents here, namely Andi's mother, now receiving routine treatment at the hospital because she often has shortness of breath," he said.
He asked the company to pay more attention to local residents, and find a solution to the impact of dust pollution from burning coal.
"We ask the company to immediately find a solution, and the government must take a stand, before causing things that are not desirable," he said.
When reporters wanted confirmation from PT Louis Dreyfus Company, they could only meet with security officers at the entrance gate. The company's security guard said that the company's chairman was not in the office.
"The leader is not in the office," said the security guard.
Kupastuntas sources said that PT Louis Dreyfus Company is engaged in the CPO business. Within the company area there is a coal stockpile.
"There (PT Louis Dreyfus Company) does have a coal stockpile, indeed the land is small the size of a house," said this source.
Previously it was reported that unlicensed or illegal coal stockpiles were rife in the Bandar Lampung and South Lampung areas. Currently, the number of licensed stockpiles in Bandar Lampung is only five companies, and four companies in South Lampung.
Based on data compiled by Peel Completed, currently there are only five companies that have licensed or legal coal stockpile businesses in Bandar Lampung. Among them, PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa.
In South Lampung Regency, the licensed coal stockpile is PT Sinar Langgeng Logistics in Rangai Village, Katibung District. Then, PT Tabara Nedy Energy, PT Surya Bukit Energy, and PT Rindang Asia Energi in Tanjung Bintang District.
Based on monitoring in the field, there are still several other coal stockpiles that are already operating outside of the five legal companies. According to the provisions, the company must have obtained an Environmental Management Effort and Environmental Monitoring Effort permit when opening a coal stockpile.
Tracing in the field, there is a coal stockpile located on the edge of Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Way Laga Village, Sukabumi District, Bandar Lampung. Monitoring at the location, there is no company sign at that location. There is also a coal stockpile belonging to PT Sumatra Bahtera Raya (SBR) which is located in Sukaraja Village, Kecamatan. Sane Earth, Bandar Lampung.
In addition, there is a coal stockpile owned by PT Interglobal Omni Trade located on Jalan Ir. Sutami, Sukanegara Village, Tanjung Bintang District, South Lampung Regency, and PT Sinar Laut Logistik in Pasir Island Hamlet, Rangai Tritunggal Village, Katibung District, South Lampung Regency.
"So far it has been recorded that the five companies have obtained permits for Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts in Bandar Lampung. Namely PT Hasta Dwiyustama, PT Bumi Lampung Perkasa, PT Borneo Trade Energi, PT Bangun Tunas Lampung, and PT Bangun Lampung Sentosa," said a Kupastuntas source at the Bandar Lampung municipal government.
This source said that apart from the five coal stockpile companies, there are no other companies that have applied for permits for Environmental Management and Environmental Monitoring Efforts for the coal stockpile sector. (*)
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