• Jumat, 14 Maret 2025

Lampung Province, Indonesia Receives 2.23 Trillion Rupiah of Village Funds, Central Lampung Gets the Most

Rabu, 22 Februari 2023 - 17.24 WIB


Kupastuntas.co, Bandar Lampung - Lampung Province in 2023 will receive an allocation of village funds of 2.23 trillion rupiah. With details for West Lampung 114 billion, South Lampung 250.9 billion, Central Lampung 311 billion, North Lampung 200 billion.

Then East Lampung 263.5 billion, Tanggamus 258.2 billion, Tulang Bawang 129.6 billion, Way Kanan 192.3 billion, Pesawaran 137.4 billion, Pringsewu 116.3 billion, Mesuji 88.2 billion, West Tulang Bawang 83, 1 billion and Pesisir Barat 91.1 billion.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (Apdesi) Lampung Province, Suhardi Buyung explained, the use of village funds for each village was different, which was adjusted to the agreed work program.

"For the utilization of village funds, the priorities for each village are different and the submissions are also made from each village. However, we are directing it to suit the needs of the village. One of them is improving the community's economy," said Suhardi, Wednesday (22/2/2023) .

He said village funds could be used to provide Direct Cash Assistance in the form of cash to poor village communities with a minimum budget allocation of 25 percent.

"It could also be financial assistance to Village-Owned Enterprises, but once again it has to be based on approval. The nominal village funds per village are different, some are 1 billion, 1.5 billion and some are 700 million," he said.

Meanwhile, the village fund distribution scheme itself is provided directly through transfers from the central government to the village treasury. It is recorded that out of 2,435 villages in Lampung, only 66 villages have disbursed village funds, including 40 villages in Central Lampung, 11 villages in Tanggamus and 15 villages in West Tulangbawang.

"The first phase of the distribution scheme itself has been distributed since February, each village is different, for a specified time it's just disbursement," he said. (*)